
  • 网络hetu-vidya
  1. 试论因明学与三段论之异同

    The Similarities and Differences between Indian Logic and Syllogism

  2. 佛教逻辑也称为因明学,是印度逻辑和中国逻辑的重要组成部分。

    The Importance of Logic Education for the Quality-oriented Education at Middle Schools ;

  3. 在此基础上,本文具体依照量论因明学的基本文献和布伦塔诺的相关著作,对判断论作了一个较为系统的阐释。

    So in this article , the theory of judgment is systematically illuminated according to the basic document of Hetu-vidya theory and relative works of Brentano on this basis .

  4. 因明学和三段论是世界逻辑史上的两大瑰宝,是逻辑三大源流之二,是古代人民留给我们的优秀遗产,既有其相同点也有其不同点。

    Being great treasure in the history of logic , two of the three biggest headstreams of the logic and splendid heritage left by ancient people , Indian logic and syllogism have their similarities and distinctions .