
mìng tí
  • proposition;problem;thesis;statement;assign a topic;set a question
命题 [mìng tí]
  • [assign a topic] 出题目

  • 命题作文

  • (1) [proposition]∶逻辑学指表达判断的语言形式,由系词把主词和宾词联系而成

  • (2) [problem]∶数学或物理中要进行某种说明的问题

  • 命题:二等分一直线

命题[mìng tí]
  1. 对平衡风险率函数re(x)的极限性质与分布F的尾部特性之间的相互关系提出一问题,并进一步给出一个命题,最后用一例子进行了全面的说明。

    In this paper we raise a question about the relationship of the rate of balanced risk and the tailed characteristics of the distribution , then we assign a topic , lastly we illustrate thoroughly by an example .

  2. 数字接边是一个广义命题。

    Digital edges fit is generaljed assign a topic .

  3. 这个命题经得起推敲吗?

    How well does this thesis stand up to close examination ?

  4. 这个命题经不起仔细推敲。

    This thesis does not stand up to close inspection .

  5. ‘北京是中国的首都’,这个句子就是一个命题。

    The sentence , Beijing is the capital of China is a proposition .

  6. 作为练习的自由命题的作文有其局限性。

    Free composition as an exercise has its limitation .

  7. 其实这本身是个假命题。

    In fact , this in itself is a false proposition .

  8. 这个反命题同样是正确的。

    The contrapositive is eqally true .

  9. 当然,该原理的逆命题也有可能成立。

    It is possible , of course , that the converse of this theory may also be true .

  10. 命题真理是由经验事实所决定的,而不是由我们的意图决定的,这样就产生了一个关于自然的问题。

    A proposition whose truth is determined by the fact of experience rather than what we mean , so this raises a natural question .

  11. 我们可以用一个总的命题,把生物学系统内的信息流来作为这一研究主题。

    There is a unifying theme , and that is the theme of information flow within biological systems .

  12. 用BASIC语言判定命题推理的有效性

    Decision of the validity of the propositional inference by basic linguistics

  13. 关于模态命题系统P5的协调性

    On the Consistency of the Modal Propositional System P_5

  14. 关于模态命题公式4、E和B的布尔值

    On the Boolean Value of the Modal Formulae 4 、 E and B

  15. 本文利用BASIC语言中较少为人所用的逻辑运算功能。来判定命题推理的有效性。

    In this paper , we use BASIC Linguistics , without establishing any formal system , for the decision of the validity of the propositional inference .

  16. Lagrange中值定理的逆命题

    Lagrange mean value theorem 's converse proposition

  17. DF命题的矩阵归结

    Matrix resolution method of dynamic fuzzy proposition

  18. 一道IMO平面几何命题的解析证法

    Analytic Prove to a MIO Plane Geometry Question

  19. (k,s)-SAT是命题满足性问题限制在一类特殊的命题公式上,该命题公式具有每个子句只有k个不同的文字且每个变元出现的次数少于s次的特点。

    ( k , s ) - SAT is the propositional satisfiable problem restricted to instances where each clause has exactly k distinct literals and every variable occurs at most s times .

  20. 将一道西部IMO题进行推广、变形,得两个等价的命题,再进一步推广得出一个更一般的命题。

    Popularization and application of a west IMO problem result in two propositions with equal quality .

  21. 传统逻辑教材现代化的进程中存在以下四个技术问题:把如果非p那么非q提升为必要条件假言命题的标准表达式;

    There exist four technique problems in modernizing the logic textbooks : promote " if not p , then not q " as the type of standard expression , which is hypothetical proposition of necessary condition ;

  22. 三值Lukasiewicz逻辑系统L3中命题的条件真度

    The conditional truth degree of formulas in lukasiewicz 3-valued logic systems L_3

  23. 首先把问题转化为研究第一类命题:偶数N的全排列是否存在问题?即是否存在B(2n)素数矩阵中。

    At first , the project is converted into studding first type proposition of whether universal arrangement of even number N exists or not , i.e. whether it exists in B ( 2n ) prime matrix .

  24. 本文探析的WebQuest教学模式是一种基于网络环境和资源的以任务为导向的探究式教学模式,是一个较新的命题。

    The WebQuest discussed in this thesis is task-oriented and inquiry-based instructional mode , also a new proposition in nowadays .

  25. 主体的认知世界可以划分为信念世界(WB)、怀疑世界(WD)和无知世界(WU),这三个世界中的元素是认知命题。

    The epistemic worlds can be partitioned into three parts : belief world , doubting world and ignorance world . Epistemic propositions are elements of them .

  26. 给出了关于局部顶点Poisson微分代数的两个命题,补充完善了这两个命题。详细解释了顶点李代数是局部顶点李代数的特例。

    In this article , we give some more results on local vertex Poisson differential algebras and explain explicitly that vertex Lie algebra is a especial case of local vertex Lie algebra .

  27. 对系统建立了知识表示的带权模糊Petri网模型,使用该算法可以确定用户给定的库所之间是否存在联系,即相应的命题之间是否存在因果关系,可以计算出命题的模糊真值。

    After giving the model of the weighted fuzzy Petri net , one can calculate the fuzzy tokens of the appointed places which correspond to the true values of the relevant propositions by using this algorithm .

  28. 面对加入WTO对我国金融业的挑战,混业经营在我国也将成为一种不可抵挡的经营模式,从法律上构建银行业混业经营制度成为一个重要的时代命题。

    In China , mixed operation will also be able to become a business model to face the financial challenges of entering WTO . From the legal point , building mixed business banking system also becomes an important topic of the times .

  29. 根据递归可计算性理论,提出偶数Goldbach猜想计算机可解命题。

    Based on the theory of recursive computability , the proposition of computer solvable on even Goldbach conjecture is proposed .

  30. 并进而指出一个命题必须在没有任何条件的情况下满足“aRbv~aRb”,这个重言式命题。

    And further pointed out that a proposition must meet the " aRb to aRb " without any conditions , this tautology proposition .