
  • 网络natal chart
  1. 如果本命盘中的海王星受克,那么可能会发生自我欺骗或丧失个性。

    Self-delusion or loss of individuality may occur if Neptune was afflicted in the natal chart .

  2. 总体的焦点和障碍范围将来自于本命盘中摩羯座所管辖的宫位。

    General focus and areas of obstructions will come from the house ruled by Capricorn in the natal chart .

  3. 水星在命盘的顶端时,你能与老板或其他VIP更有效地沟通。

    With Mercury at the top of your horoscope , you will communicate effectively with your boss and other VIPs .

  4. 在占星命盘中,土星经常代表一个人的父亲。

    In the astrology chart , Saturn often represents one 's father .

  5. 比较引人兴趣的是克里斯托夫?李维的命盘。

    Of particular interest is the chart of Christopher Reeve .

  6. 在你的命盘中,金星跟天王星之间形成对分相。

    There is an opposition formed between Venus and Uranus in your chart .

  7. 你能给每人的本命盘和这张马克思盘再做另一张中点盘么?

    Can you make another midpoint chart for each person with the Marks chart ?

  8. 在你的命盘中,木星处在跟海王星相刑的情况上。

    The placement of Jupiter and Neptune form a Square aspect in your chart .

  9. 在你的命盘中,火星跟海王星形成了良好的相位,为你的强化了通灵本质。

    Mars forms a favorable aspect with Neptune in your chart energizing your psychic nature .

  10. 那些在文化上拥有地位的权威人物通常在他们的命盘中拥有很强的土星。

    People in positions of cultural authority frequently have a strong Saturn in their chart .

  11. 在你的命盘中,火星对冲木星显示出铺张浪费的倾向及因投机取巧而导致的失败。

    Mars is opposing Jupiter in your chart showing extravagant tendencies and often loses through speculation .

  12. 女性命盘中,如火星合了月亮,那么我担保她是正派的。

    A woman that has Mars with the Moon is right ; I 'll warrant her .

  13. 你的命盘彰显了你与别人合作相处的能力。

    Every part of your chart right now is highlighting your ability to cooperate & get along with others .

  14. 当土星在命盘中的能量被夸大时,我们得到太多的结构化,比如骨质钙化。

    When Saturn energy is exaggerated in the chart we get too much structure , such as bone calcification .

  15. 当木星在你命盘的个人财务区域,你应该被生活中更好的事情吸引。

    With Jupiter in your chart area of personal finances you should be attracting the better things of life .

  16. 你现在的命盘能量稳定,但是你需要对现有局面增加操控能力。

    Your current chart energy is solid , but you need to take on more of personal control of the situation .

  17. 任一月交点产生的合相及冲相对于本命盘上的行星来说是意义重大的。

    The aspects of Conjunctions and Oppositions of any one node are very significant to the planets in the natal chart .

  18. 根据个人命盘选择有利和需要特别谨慎的投资时期。第二宫代表通过自己辛勤劳动所得的收入;

    Choose the advantageous or especially cautious paid investment time according to personal plate.2nd house shows the income from hard work ;

  19. 这个月火星在你命盘中最浪漫,最讨人喜欢的部分,掌管真爱的第五宫。

    This month you have Mars in the most romantic , enchanting part of your chart , your fifth house of true love .

  20. 当行运北交点与水星呈合相时,将会出现突然的变化、高度积极性等与水星在本命盘中相关的活动。

    At this point , sudden changes , mostly positive , regarding the activities of Mercury in the natal chart will be noticed .

  21. 虽然长期以来,土星一直被看作“煞星”或者在命盘中具有消极的影响,伴随着进入现代占星学,这种解读还是多少有些改变的。

    Long considered a " malefic " or negative energy in the zodiac , the entry into modern astrology has altered it 's interpretation somewhat .

  22. 通过解读命盘我们也经常可以发现我们渴望的是什么样的成就,并且往往这些渴望不总是很具有典型性的。

    It can often be seen in the chart just what type of achievement is desired , and it may not always be " typical " .

  23. 行运北交点经过本命盘北交点是以18年之久为一个周期行经黄道12星座。

    Transiting North Node going over the natal North Node is an18-year cycle as it takes that much time for the nodes to travel through the zodiac .

  24. 这是因为这个时期是土星完成围绕太阳运行一周并回归到出生时在命盘中所处的位置。

    This is the time it takes for Saturn to complete it 's orbit of the Sun and return to it 's birth position in the chart .

  25. 但它和最近的几次区别不大,因为火星所有的近日对冲都很壮观.在你的命盘中,火星对冲木星显示出铺张浪费的倾向及因投机取巧而导致的失败。

    That 's fine because all perihelic oppositions of Mars are spectacular . Mars is opposing Jupiter in your chart showing extravagant tendencies and often loses through speculation .

  26. 这周的命盘要求你放眼未来,为保障自己将来的经济需求以及更多的情感需求做准备。

    Your chart energy is all about looking ahead doing what 's necessary to ensure your future financial perhaps more importantly emotional needs will be met in the future .

  27. 你的命盘上显示你会对现状没有任何不适(除非有人想向你挑衅,尤其是工作上的人)。

    Your chart shows others believe you are getting too comfortable with the status-quo * Expect others to try to personally challenge you * ( especially in the workplace )

  28. 在提桶型的本命盘上,其他星星都集中分布在星盘的半边里,只留下一颗在另一边。

    In a bucket chart , the planets are arranged in one half of the chart with one planet called a " singleton " is alone on the opposite side .

  29. 在本命盘及类似情况下月亮的作用力是十分强大的,月交点的作用力对于灵魂之旅来说意义重大。

    The influence of the Moon is very strong in a natal chart and similarly , the influence of Lunar Nodes is very significant in the life of a soul .

  30. 一旦新月进入您命盘中掌管伙伴关系的部分,你会有一个对周围环境或是现有关系的更加清醒地认识。

    Once you get to the new moon in your partnership sector , May24 , you will have a much clearer understanding of a situation surrounding a current or proposed relationship .