
mìnɡ tí zuò wén
  • composition with assigned subject
  1. 命题作文的平分标准研究

    Research on Grade Standard of Proposition of Thesis

  2. 试论非英语专业研究生英语命题作文中的首要问题&理解提纲

    Chief Problem in Subjection-give Compositions for Non-English Major Graduates & How to Comprehend the Outline

  3. 立意创新,是中学命题作文训练中极其重要的一环。

    To have fresh cenception is the important stage in composition writing practice in middle schools .

  4. 本文将针对当前作文教学现状就初中生半命题作文的个性化作点探讨。

    This paper will discuss the semi-topic composition personality that is urgently needed by junior high school students .

  5. 审题有一些规律,对命题作文,分析题目的语法结构,找出写作的对象和范围;

    For the named composition , the grammatical structure should be analysed to find out the object and scope ;

  6. 本实证研究探讨作文语篇知识与课后非命题作文写作两个因素对英语写作水平的影响。

    This paper reports the effects of L2 writing knowledge and free compositions on Chinese university students English writing proficiency .

  7. 简评:该文章是孙奥雷同学期中考试在考场上完成的命题作文。

    Jan Ping : This article is the grandson Austria identical study midterm examination the proposition thesis which completes in the examination place .

  8. 在所有这些研究中,尚未有任何一项研究基于命题作文来对英语专业及非英语专业的大学生进行冠词使用错误的对比研究,这就启发了本次研究。

    Among all these researches , none of them has made a comparative research between English majors and non-English majors based on a guided-writing task .

  9. 孩子高兴极了,想:终于可以摆脱讨厌的命题作文,写写自己心里的东西了。

    The child was so happy by thinking that he can finally write about his thought in his inner heart instead of the thesis writing .

  10. 本研究采用定性研究和定量研究相结合的方法,研究工具分别为:课堂命题作文、问卷调查以及访谈。

    The method used in this research consists of qualitative and quantitative studies . Three instruments are adopted , that is , English writing samples , questionnaire and interview .

  11. 研究假设是:在汉语作为第二语言的写作能力考查中,与客观题和命题作文方式相比,给材料写作具有更高的效度。

    The hypothesis : Compared with the topic approach and the object approach , the material method has a higher validity in the Chinese as a second language writing assessment .

  12. 因此本文选择应用文写作进行教学设计,一方面是因为应用文具有相对固定的格式和惯用表达,与命题作文相比更适合放在外国留学生写作学习的初始阶段。

    This dissertation choose practical writing , partly because it has a relatively fixed format and institutionalized expressions , which is comparatively more suitable for foreign students to learn on the initial stage .

  13. 在2008-2009秋季学期期间,作者先后要求学生上交四篇字数均在150词以上的命题作文,共收集96篇学生习作。

    During the autumn semester of 2008-2009 , all of the 24 students were required to hand in four compositions of no less than 150 words with given topics.96 compositions were collected all together .

  14. 与命题作文相比,供料作文的优势在于具有灵活性和创造性,要求每一个作者找准突破口,选择好角度,确立正确的题旨,并用合适的材料准确表达之。

    Compared with the topic-assigned composition , the superiority of the material-supplying composition Lies in its flexibility and creativity , requiring each writer to seek a breakthrough entrance , choose the proper angle , establish the correct title and express it with suitable materials .

  15. 本论文选取西安市几所高校大学生和英语为母语的外国留学生或外教为研究参与对象,以命题作文的方式收集了20篇中国学生的英语作文和20篇英语为母语的西方人的英语作文。

    Participants were chosen from several universities in Xi ' an , including Chinese college students and foreigners or international students who are English speakers . 20 English compositions by Chinese students and 20 English compositions by native English speakers were colleted with the same designated title .

  16. 据调查,有相当多的中学生不喜欢写作文,有相当多的中学生不喜欢教师布置的命题作文,有相当多的中学生认为一学期几篇作文做与不做,结果没什么区别。

    According to the survey , a great many students aren 't fond of writing , a lot of students don 't like the propositional composition given by teachers , a number of students think that it will be no deference to write some compositions within a term .

  17. 作为练习的自由命题的作文有其局限性。

    Free composition as an exercise has its limitation .

  18. 你的作文不像其他相同命题的作文。

    Your essay does not resemble other essays written on this topic .

  19. 与其他相同命题的作文相比,你的作文包含了过多的词句的重复使用。

    Compared to other essays written on this topic , your essay contains more repetition of words and phrases .

  20. 你的作文可能使用了与其他相同命题的作文不同的独特的风格或词汇或展开模式。

    Your essay may exhibit a unique style or vocabulary or a pattern of development not typically found in other essays on this topic .

  21. 集结了三名顶尖导演管虎、郭帆和路阳,这部“命题式作文”的电影改编自真实历史事件,但进行了艺术加工。

    Bringing together three A-list directors - Guan Hu , Guo Fan and Lu Yang - the film is adapted from true stories but added fictional content .

  22. 教师命题学生作文教师评改的传统写作教学模式存在三大弊端:一、造成教师中心与写作主体的矛盾;二、割裂了写作主体与真实生活、个人体验的有机联系,过多强调应需写作;

    There are three main disadvantages in the traditional model of the composition course which is the teacher gives the subject and the students write and then the teacher corrects .

  23. 作文命题研究作为作文教学研究中的一个重要方面,关系着作文训练的成效。

    The proposition of the composition is an important topic of composition teaching researches in the middle school .

  24. 在此背景下,分省(市)自主命题给高考作文命题提供了怎样的空间,又带来了怎样的变化,值得我们研究和探讨。

    In this context , sub-provinces ( municipalities ) own proposition to the college entrance essay topic how to provide the space , it brings the kind of changes we should study and discussion .

  25. 作文命题本是作文教学中的首要环节,但是长期以来,关于作文教学的命题研究却很少,教学实践中,命题研究成了少数专家学者的事,绝少有一线教师对此给予关注。

    However , for a long time , very few researches have been made about composition proposition in teaching . It has become the tasks of some specialists and scholars . Very few on-front teachers concern with it .