
zhēn mìng tí
  • True proposition;true statement
真命题[zhēn mìng tí]
  1. 对于不真命题和不假命题,应该采取与对不真不假命题同样的态度。

    To both propositions the same attitude should be taken .

  2. 不真命题与不假命题

    Not True Thesis And Not False Thesis

  3. 按照经典理论,前件为假的条件句都是真命题!那么反事实条件句以其前件为假的身份被定义为真命题。

    According to Classic Theory , a conditional sentence is true only if its antecedent is false .

  4. 罗素为解决休谟问题而提出归纳原则。金岳霖等人力图证明归纳原则是永真命题,但未对可能命题作出语义解释。

    Other philosopher such as Jin Yulun tried hard to confirm that inductive principle was a tautology proposition , but didn 't give semantic interpretation for possible proposition .

  5. 另外,金岳霖区分了真命题的真不是真理的真,对于澄清真假问题的讨论大有裨益。

    In addition , Mr. Kin to differentiate the truth of truth proposition is not the ultimate truth really beneficial for discussion to clarify the true and false questions .

  6. 传统科学观认为,科学是一项理性的事业,是一种独立于人的社会文化的、纯粹的理智活动,而知识是既成的、被证明为真的命题的集合。

    The point of traditional scientific view was that : Science was a rational and pure intellectual activity which was independent of society and culture , while knowledge was the collection of propositions which were faited accompli and proved to be true .

  7. 除了具有悖论性质的“不真不假命题”,还存在着具有半悖论性质的“不真命题”和“不假命题”。

    Apart from this proposition , there exist " not true proposition " and " not false proposition " of semi-semantic paradox .

  8. 要做到这一点,需要这样一个证明:存在一个不能被证明为“真”的命题(比如2+2=5)。

    To do so , all that would be required would be a proof that there was a single proposition ( say , 2 + 2 = 5 ) which could not be proved true .

  9. 作为法律推理的小前提的真的事实命题必须(一)是有用的,即符合实体法律规范,对得出当事人是否应当承担刑事责任、民事责任或行政责任具有实质意义的事实命题;

    The true factual proposition rendered as the minor of legal reasoning must first be " useful ": It is conforming to substantial legal norms and is substantially meaningful on judging whether the parties should take criminal , civil or administrative responsibility ;

  10. 指示要使系统有效而必须保持为真的条件和命题。

    Denotes conditions and propositions that must be maintained as true for the system to be valid .

  11. 表示关系之间的一种语义关系,该语义关系指定了必须保持为真的条件和命题。

    Represents a semantic relationship among relationships that specifies conditions and propositions that must be maintained as true .

  12. 这个命题的真或假不是这个命题构成中的不可分析项,就是说真值独立于命题中的构成。

    This proposition is true or false is not the proposition composition can not be in the analysis , that is the true value is independent of composition proposition .

  13. 同义反复是从哲学借过来的一个术语,它所描述的是一个真值始终为真的命题。

    Tautology is a term borrowed from philosophy , where it describes an argument in which the only possible truth condition is " true " .

  14. 某些命题对于变元后的任何一种真值状况,它均为真,这样的命题称为重言式。

    Some propositions are true for any truth value of their variables . Such propositions are called tautology .