
  • 网络zero point energy;ZPE
  1. Casimir效应是由边界的存在引起的真空零点能变化产生的宏观量子现象。

    Casimir effect is a macroscopic quantum effect that results from the change of zero-point energy due to the existence of the boundaries .

  2. 利用真空零点能进行量子微型推进技术的研究

    Study on Quantum Minisize Impellent Technology Based on zero-point energy from Vacuum

  3. 本文通过实验研究,分析电晕放电的特点,提出基于涡旋动力学理论的挠场与真空零点能相干原理来解释推力的产生。

    This paper analyzes the trait of corona discharge by experiments , and then points out that the force of the Lifter is come from the vortex 's dynamics .

  4. 如果不用主客二分模式看人与世界,就可以想象人天合一是通向真空零点能的必然途径。

    If human being and the world around him are not treated with the cognition pattern of dichotomy between subject and object , it can be imagined that combination of hurman being and nature is the only way to reach the vacuum-zero power state .