
jiǎn dān
  • simple;simplicity;plain;ordinary;uncomplicated;casual;oversimplified;commonplace;sketchy
简单 [jiǎn dān]
  • (1) [simple;sketchy]∶不复杂;头绪少

  • 简单的操作

  • (2) [casual;oversimplified]∶草率;不细致

  • 简单从事

  • (3) [commonplace;ordinary]∶平凡

  • 能做到这个程度,真是不简单

简单[jiǎn dān]
  1. 组装书橱应该是个简单的装配活。

    Putting the bookcase together should be a simple assembly job .

  2. 我的问题只需要简单地回答是或不是。

    I need a simple yes or no to my questions .

  3. 你能用很简单的言语把这再说一遍吗?

    Could you say that again in words of one syllable ?

  4. 真正的教育并不在于简单地讲授事实。

    True education does not consist in simply being taught facts .

  5. 简单地说,我们破产了。

    To put it in a nutshell , we 're bankrupt .

  6. 这机器的安装和使用都很简单。

    The machine is a doddle to set up and use .

  7. 简单地说吧,我们要么接受他们的条件,要么破产。

    Put simply , we accept their offer or go bankrupt .

  8. 经济进步与社会福利之间绝非简单等同。

    There is no straightforward equivalence between economic progress and social well-being .

  9. 这是一道简单易做的菜。

    Here 's a dish that is simple and quick to make .

  10. 这确实是一记简单的射门,而我竟然没射进。

    It was a really simple shot , and I muffed it .

  11. 她使一部情节简单的小说充满了复杂的主题和情感。

    She makes a simple story resonate with complex themes and emotions .

  12. 他通过一番简单的推理得出了解决问题的方法。

    He arrived at the solution by a simple process of deduction .

  13. 我做饭菜属于既快捷又简单的那一类。

    My cooking is of the ' quick and simple ' variety .

  14. 我出门以前最好是简单化化妆。

    I 'd better slap some make-up on before I go out .

  15. 他在剧本里采用了一些简单的传统故事并进行了发挥。

    In his plays he takes simple traditional tales and elaborates them .

  16. 事实很简单,我们就是付不起。

    The simple truth is that we just can 't afford it .

  17. 练习十分简单,几乎谁都会做。

    The exercises are so simple that almost anyone can do them .

  18. 检查核对本来应该是件简单的事情。

    It should have been a simple matter to check .

  19. 这个问题不能简单地看作是钱的问题。

    The problem is not reducible to one of money .

  20. 这些糕饼做起来又快又简单。

    These cakes are very quick and easy to make .

  21. 他简单扼要、毫不夸张地讲述了自己的故事。

    He told his story simply and without exaggeration .

  22. 很容易把涉及的问题看得太简单。

    It 's easy to oversimplify the issues involved .

  23. 这些问题没有简单的答案。

    There are no pat answers to these questions .

  24. 事实很简单,我们不再需要你了。

    The bald fact is that we don 't need you any longer .

  25. 第一个问题很难,但其余的都相当简单。

    The first question was difficult , but the rest were pretty easy .

  26. 我可以给你简单介绍一下每名申请人的情况。

    I can give you a brief rundown on each of the applicants .

  27. 她的头发简单地盘成了一个发髻。

    Her hair was tied severely in a bun .

  28. 申诉的手续相当简单。

    Making a complaint is quite a simple procedure .

  29. 这显然把事实过分简单化了。

    This is a gross oversimplification of the facts .

  30. 这种计算机因设计巧妙、简单易用而广受欢迎。

    This computer is popular for its good design and ease of use .