
jiǎn zhuānɡ
  • plainly packed
  • paperback
简装 [jiǎn zhuāng]
  • [simple package] 简单的包装,与精装相对

  1. 它被翻译成八种语言,出版了大量的简装版。

    Eight translations were made of it , and there were numerous paperback editions .

  2. 我手边恰好有一本简装书,使得我尽管没有打成桥牌却也过得很愉快。

    I had the kind of paperback at hand to make being the fifth at bridge a joy .

  3. 还有一种是被称为Starter的简装版,微软说,该版本无法在现有电脑的基础上直接升级。

    Another , a stripped-down edition called Starter , can 't be installed as a direct upgrade for existing computers , according to Microsoft .

  4. 大烟草公司不太会抱怨简装将减少烟草需求。

    Big tobacco can hardly complain that plain packs will dent demand .

  5. 简装可能正和全球范围内“回归本质”的情绪相契合。

    Plain packs may chime with a global back-to-basics mood .

  6. 他花了许多时间阅读内容平庸的简装书。

    He spent much of his time reading mediocre paperbacks .

  7. 降低简装绢丝捻度不匀率的实践与探讨

    On Lowering Twist Irregularity of Cone-Winded Spun Silk

  8. 新西兰,英国和欧盟也在酝酿简装法案。

    New Zealand , Britain and the European Union are contemplating plain-pack laws of their own .

  9. 他的买卖主要是做平装、简装书籍,就连这种书卖得也很令他伤心。

    Paperbacks are his stock in trade , and even those are a disappointment to him .

  10. 如果得了十张黄色票,校长就奖励给这个学生一本简装的《圣经》。

    For ten yellow tickets the superintendent gave a very plainly bound Bible to the pupil .

  11. 简。奥斯丁的简装本,偶尔出现,埃德加。艾伦的作品只是在万圣节才被摆上桌面。

    Jane Austen makes only the briefest appearance , and Edgar Allen Poe shows his face only at Halloween .

  12. 他认为简装还会催生造假者仿制多个品牌。

    Plain packs will encourage counterfeiters to produce knock-offs of many brands rather than just a few , he thinks .

  13. 一个雨夜,我走进杂货店,打算买本简装小说睡前催眠用。

    One rainy night , I went down to the drugstore to get a paperback to read myself to sleep on .

  14. 如果得了十张黄色票,校长就奖励给这个学生一本简装的《圣经》在当初日子好过的那个时候,值4角钱。

    For ten yellow tickets the superintendent gave a very plainly bound Bible worth forty cents in those easy times to the pupil .

  15. 第二项指责称简装会把消费人群推向黑市,如果黑市也算个公司的话那它就是第四大烟草生产商。

    The second claim is that plain packs will drive smokers into the black market , which would be the fourth-biggest manufacturer if it were a company .

  16. 假如夏天室内温度过高,可将试纸简装进塑料袋,同时放人干燥剂,再放进冰箱冷躲。

    If summer is indoor temperature is exorbitant , but test paper brief load polybag , put person desiccative at the same time , put freezer cold storage again .

  17. 我在1961年的简装版中增加了一章“租金管制”,这在第一版中除了一般的政府定价外未被特别考虑。

    In a paperback of1961 , a new chapter was added on rent control , which had not been specifically considered in the first edition apart from government price-fixing in general .