
zhōnɡ jiān lì liànɡ
  • The backbone;nucleus;hard core
  1. 高校的扩招,普通高中学生逐渐增加,新增教师也日益增多。目前,青年教师已成为普通高中教师队伍的中坚力量。

    With the enrollment of university , ordinary high school students increases gradually , and new teachers currently increases , young teachers have became the nucleus in ordinary high school .

  2. 青年女性作为流行市场的中坚力量,通常在追求流行美的同时忽略了健康。

    The young female , as the nucleus of the fashion follower , usually ignore their healthy in pursuit of pop fashion .

  3. 这其中的第一个中坚力量将是基金会现场总线高速以太网(HSE)的实施。

    The first of these backbones will be the Fieldbus Foundation 's High Speed Ethernet ( HSE ) implementation .

  4. 大中型工业企业RD投入逐年稳定增长,是我国技术创新的中坚力量。2006年RD经费支出已超过1500亿元,达到1995年的十倍以上。

    The expenditure on R & D of Chinese large and medium-sized industrial enterprise has been increasing year after year , and reached 150 billion RMB in 2006 which is more than 10 times in 1995 .

  5. 本文采用问卷调查法、SWOT分析方法等多种研究方法,分析了新生代农民成为新农村建设中坚力量的优势与机会、劣势与威胁。

    This questionnaire was used , SWOT analysis to analyze the new generation of farmers as the backbone of rural development advantages and opportunities , weaknesses and threats .

  6. 此后,新闻集团旗下的英国天空广播公司(BskyB)一直是传媒业的中坚力量。

    News Corp 's British Sky Broadcasting has since been a pivotal force in the industry .

  7. 中层管理干部作为SG公司的中坚力量,他们能力和素质的提升直接关系着SG公司宏伟目标的实现。

    Middle management cadre as SG backbone of the company , their abilities and enhance the quality of a direct relationship with the grand goal of the SG Company .

  8. 美国最大消费者电子产品零售商百思买(bestbuy)将收购音乐下载服务提供商napster,此举旨在使自己成为全球移动设备和数字服务市场的中坚力量。

    Best buy , the largest US consumer electronics retailer , is to acquire Napster , the music download provider , as it seeks to establish itself as a significant force in the global market for mobile devices and digital services .

  9. 在2017年FT对全球95个管理学硕士项目的排行中,虽然瑞士圣加仑大学(UniversityofStGallen)继续蝉联冠军,但法国和英国商学院分别以24个和18个项目入围成为中坚力量。

    While Switzerland 's University of St Gallen retains the top spot , French and British business schools , with 24 and 18 programmes respectively , are the backbone of the 2017 FT ranking of 95 programmes around the world .

  10. 现在的硬盘已经是个人计算机的标准配置,并逐渐成为存储介质的中坚力量,但是个人计算机上使用的IDE接口控制器难以直接使用在其它设备上。

    The present hard disk is a standard configuration of the personal computer , and becomes the core of storage medium gradually . But IDE interface controller used on the personal computer is difficult to use on other apparatus directly .

  11. 企业的中层管理人员是企业的中坚力量,SZ集团快速扩张的规模和业务领域需要大量称职的中层管理人员来支撑。

    The middle management is the main power of the company , and SZ is in need for them to satisfy the requirements of the high-speed growing and the continuing expanding of business fields .

  12. 不过,日惹有个非常偏离传统的木偶剧团:“纸月亮剧团”(ThePapermoonPuuppetTheater),它成了全球艺术节盛会中的中坚力量,使用谜一般的现代主义木偶讲述各种故事,从古代神话到现代印尼的诞生。

    One puppet act in Yogja , however , is far from traditional . The Papermoon Puppet Theater has become a staple of the global arts festival circuit , with enigmatic modernist puppets that tell stories from myth to the birth of modern Indonesia .

  13. 但也有可能是因为他为联合技术公司设立的目标过高,而作为一支传统经济的中坚力量,不论这家成熟的公司运转得多么良好,或者多么善于利用新鲜技术,都不可能达到这位CEO飞行计划所要求的高度和速度。

    But it 's also possible that he has simply set the bar too high for United Technologies , and that a mature , old-economy stalwart , no matter how well run or how adept at harnessing fresh technology , simply cannot soar as high , and as fast , as the CEO 's flight plan demands .

  14. 在培养跨世纪人才中,他们是中坚力量。

    They are the core force in cultivating cross-century talents .

  15. 社区工作者是社区建设发展中不可或缺的中坚力量。

    Community workers play core roles in the development of a community .

  16. 在志愿者队伍中,积极、热情的大学生志愿者是其中的中坚力量。

    The youthful student volunteers are the main force of volunteer team .

  17. 思想政治辅导员是高校教育管理工作的中坚力量。

    Political assistants are the nucleuses of education administrators in tertiary colleges .

  18. 当代大学生是社会主义现代化建设的未来的中坚力量。

    Contemporary college students are future backbones of socialism modernization .

  19. 大学生辅导员是高校学生工作的中坚力量。

    College counselors are the backbone of the work of college students .

  20. 上市公司正逐步发展成为企业的中坚力量和精英。

    The listed companies are developing gradually into essential force of the enterprises .

  21. 青年是国家建设和社会发展的中坚力量与未来。

    The youth are the backbone of the national construction and social development .

  22. 以德国为中心的欧元使用者的中坚力量可以继续使用欧元。

    A hard core of euro-users , centred on Germany , might survive .

  23. 毋庸置疑,他们必将是未来中国社会的中坚力量。

    Needless to say , they will be the future backbone of China .

  24. 机构投资者是资本市场的中坚力量。

    Institutional investors are the backbone of capital markets .

  25. 帝国守卫的中坚力量,为您效劳!

    Backbone of the guard , ready to serve !

  26. 这些人是国家的中坚力量。

    These men are the backbone of the country .

  27. 女性具有了社会意识,并且成为社会的中坚力量。

    Women are in the social consciousness and are front and center now .

  28. 商界人士是这个国家的中坚力量。

    Business people are the backbone of the nation .

  29. 农业企业是农业产业化发展的中坚力量和决定因子。

    Agricultural enterprises are the backbone and determining factor of the agricultural industrialization development .

  30. 教师是人类灵魂的工程师,是培养优秀人材的中坚力量。

    Teachers are engineers of human souls ; they are backbones of cultivating talents .