
rén mín chū bǎn shè
  • People's Publishing House
  1. 河北人民出版社最近出版了两部新小说。

    The Hebei people 's Publishing House recently got out two new novels .

  2. 《行政行为法》,人民出版社1992年版,第40页。

    Ying Songnian , Law of Administrative Action , People 's Publishing House , 40 ( 1992 ) .

  3. 云南人民出版社,昆明。

    The Peoples Press of Yunnan , Kunming , China .

  4. 第一节介绍了甘肃人民出版社与《读者》杂志社的关系的由来及变迁情况。

    Section one introduces the originality and evolvement of the relationship between Gansu People Publishing Company and Readers magazine company .

  5. 杨开忠,迈向空间一体化,四川人民出版社,1993年。

    Toward Spatial Integration : Market Economy and Regional Development in China , Sichuan Renmin Press , Chengdu , 1993 .

  6. “广西山水传说探美”,南宁:广西人民出版社。

    " Aesthetic sense of folk legends about the mountains and rivers in guangxi ", nanning : guangxi People Publishing house .

  7. 贵州人民出版社重版的李宗《黔记》,由于点校者的粗心、轻率和武断,出现了诸多的不应有的失误。

    Record of Guizhou written by Li Zongfang and reprinted by Guizhou People 's Press has quite a few mistakes due to carelessness and arbitrary textual criticism .

  8. 由我会与广东人民出版社共同主办的《岭南文库》获第三届国家图书奖。

    South China Collections of Literature , jointly edited by the GDCCP and the Guangdong People 's Press , was awarded in the3 rd National Book Prize .

  9. 《云茶》杂志是由云南人民出版社,昆明云茶科技发展有限公司联合创办!

    " Cloud tsaa " magazine ay mula sa Yunnan People 's Publishing House , Kunming , Yunnan tsaa , co-founder ng Technology Development Co , Ltd !

  10. 本文对伊犁人民出版社及人民文学出版社的《苔丝》两译本进行对比研究,重点放在词汇、句子两个层面上。

    This paper intends to undertake a contrastive study on two Chinese versions of Tess of the D'Urbervilles , with an emphasis on two levels : lexicon and syntax .

  11. 这也正是云南人民出版社1992年和2001年出版的《艺术语言学》和《艺术语言学再探索》给我们留下的思考。

    Artistic Linguistics ( 1992 ) and Further Exploration of Artistic Linguistics ( 2000 ) published by Yunnan People 's Press have offered us new ideas on artistic linguistics .

  12. 而涉及政治的书籍上会选择可能取悦官方的题材,比如打击西方的“中国不高兴”&一本与江苏人民出版社一同出版的畅销书。

    When it strays into politics , it does so in ways calculated to please officialdom , such as the West-bashing " Unhappy China ", a hit published in conjunction with Jiangsu .

  13. 天津人民出版社1995年出版的“全本注释”《曾国藩日记》,是近年来该书诸版本中流通量较大的一个版本。

    " The whole annotation " on 《 Zeng Guo-fan 's Diary 》, published in1995 by Tianjin People Press , is the most circulated edition among the others of the same book in resent years .

  14. 《C陷阱与缺陷》,高巍译,人民邮电出版社。

    《 C Traps and Pitfalls 》, Andrew Koenig , Addison Wesley Publishing .

  15. 本文运用SWOT分析方法,分析了人民邮电出版社的优势与劣势、机会与威胁。

    By using the SWOT analysis method , this essay analyzes the advantages and disadvantages , opportunities as well as threats faced by the Posts and Telecommunications Press .

  16. 《生殖生理》CAI课件是卫生部的招标项目,已由人民卫生出版社出版。

    The computer-assisted instruction ( CAI ) courseware for reproduction physiology is the project to invite tenders by Ministry of Public Health and has been published by the People Public Health Publishing Company .

  17. 尤其是1996年;英国Longman出版公司与人民教育出版社合作出版的新编中学英语教材使用以来,高中教师已经开始将交际思想运用到实践中去,但效果不是很显著。

    Particularly , on the use of Senior English for China ( published by Longman and People 's Educational Press , 1996 ), the English teachers in middle schools began to apply the communicative ideas to classroom activities , but the efficiency produced seems not quite evident .

  18. 房屋供暖,如北京火车站、人民美术出版社等单位。

    The Beijing Railway Station and the People 's Art Press ete .

  19. 第56期《中国画》杂志人民美术出版社;

    Chinese Traditional Painting , 56th Issue , Fine Arts of the People Press ;

  20. 中国人民大学出版社,2007。

    China Renmin University Press , 2007 .

  21. 人民教育出版社语文编辑室已经将问题反映给专家们进行核实。

    The Chinese Editorial Room of PEP has forwarded the problem to experts for verification .

  22. 《文学原理新释》(顾祖钊著,人民文学出版社2000年2月版)是一本兼具学科性与学术性的新著。

    S : New Explanations of the Principles of Literature is a theoretic and academic new book .

  23. 我国人民教育出版社出版的两套统编教材,上海地区的英语课改教材,以及外国语学校的英语教材都在很大程度上受到国外引进英语教材的影响。

    These imported teaching materials of English also have some impacts on the English material designed by Chinese .

  24. 陈奇。中药药理研究方法学。北京:人民卫生出版社。1994:33。

    Chen Q.Methodology on Chinese medicinal pharmacology . Beijing : People 's Medical Publishing House . 1994: 33.Chinese .

  25. 姜桂艳,道路交通状态判别技术与应用,北京:人民交通出版社,2004。

    Jiang Guiyan , Road traffic condition judgement technology and application , Beijin : China communication press , 2004 .

  26. 《中国书画》,人民美术出版社,北京,1986年,第10页。

    Literature Zhongguoshuhua ( Chinese Paintings ), People 's Fine Art Publishing House , Beijing , 1986 , p.10 .

  27. 《宗教人类学导论》,金泽、何其敏译,北京:中国人民大学出版社。

    Fiona Bowie , 2000 , The Anthropology of Religion : An Introduction , Blackwell Publishing Ltd , Oxford .

  28. 《清高宗(乾隆)御制诗文全集》第二册,中国人民大学出版社,1993年,第429页。

    Literature Collection of Poems by Emperor Qianlong , Vol.2 , People 's University Publication House , 1993 , p.429 .

  29. 《应用高等数学》,陈绶章等译,人民教育出版社,1978年;

    " Applied Higher Mathematics ", Translated by Chen Shouzhang etc , The People 's Education Publishing Company , 1978 .

  30. 出版占有率前三位分别为北京体育大学出版社、人民体育出版社和高等教育出版社。

    Top three quantity of published papers are Beijing Sports University Press , Physical Education Press and Higher Education Press .