
  • 网络prolegomena;An Introduction To Metaphysics
  1. 康德《未来形而上学导论》对《纯粹理性批判》的理论超越

    Theoretical Transcendence of Kant 's Prolegomena over Critique of Pure Reason

  2. 读两本形而上学导论想到的&试说康德和海德格尔

    On Two Prolegomena to Metaphysics by Kant and Heidegger

  3. 未来的哲学研究&未来形而上学导论

    The Philosophic Researches Towards the Future & Basic Theory Regarding the Metaphysics of the Future

  4. 《形而上学导论》最初以弗莱堡大学1935年夏季学期课堂演讲的形式面世。

    Heidegger had originally presented this Introduction to Metaphysics as a lecture course at the University of Freiburg in the summer semester of1935 .

  5. 为《任何一种能够做为科学出现的未来形而上学导论》在西方哲学中进行时空定位并介绍康德该著作中论证的材料来源。

    It analyses the place of the works in time and space in the West Philosophy and introduces the source of the material of the works .

  6. 我们之所以在翻译中坚持名词术语的高度统一性,是希望这一版本的《形而上学导论》有助于激发进一步的思考。

    Because we have endeavored to maintain a high degree of terminological consistency in our translation , we hope this version of the Introduction to Metaphysics will aid this process of reflection .

  7. 作为科学的形而上学何以可能&《未来形而上学导论》之总问题透视

    How to Have Metaphysics as Science & Perspective on the " General Issue " in the Guide of Future Metaphysics