
dào dé biāo zhǔn
  • moral standards
  1. 你的CEO能与同事的太太搞办公室婚外恋,表明他的商业和道德标准已经低到令人无法容忍的地步。

    Your chief executive has sunk to unacceptably low commercial and moral standards in conducting an interoffice affair with the wife of a colleague .

  2. 你的客户可没这么高的道德标准了。

    I doubt your client has the same high moral standards .

  3. 道德标准似乎在下降。

    Standards of morality seem to be dropping .

  4. 我们必须武装人们的头脑,以防我们的道德标准降低。

    We must arm the people against the lowering of our morals .

  5. 他已摒弃了基本的道德标准。

    He has overthrown the basic standards of morality .

  6. 中国加入WTO后,企业面临国际商业道德标准的压力,企业道德问题日渐突现,企业道德优势与可持续竞争优势的关系也随之成为企业界和学术界共同关注的问题。

    With China enlisted under WTO , the relationship of the advantage of business ethics and competition advantage is concerned both in practice and on theory .

  7. 一位LadyGaga唱片公司的经理说:LadyGaga不赞成一切对于人的生理及外形上的攻击。这与她的道德标准相违背。

    An executive at Lady Gaga 's record label said : Lady Gaga does not approve of bullying anyone for their physical appearance , it goes against everything she stands for .

  8. 2007年他走出了不同寻常的一步,他请来前最高法院首席法官Woolf阁下展开对BAE道德标准的独立调查。

    In 2007 he took the extraordinary step of asking a former Lord Chief Justice , Lord Woolf , to lead an independent inquiry into BAE 's ethical standards .

  9. 通过向客户展示BDGH八达国瑞遵循专业和道德标准的最高水平,增加对BDGH八达国瑞的信心;

    Increase confidence in BDGH by showing clients that BDGH follows the highest levels of professional and ethical standards ;

  10. 行为得当,符合道德标准。

    The quality of conforming to standards of propriety and morality .

  11. 反对一切道德标准和宗教信仰的人。

    Someone who rejects all theories of morality or religious belief .

  12. 具有公认的道德标准或者正义的特点或者按照这样的标准行事。

    Characterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice .

  13. 这一点是否符合现代社会的道德标准?

    Does this fit with the mores of contemporary society ?

  14. 自然,道,人为,礼仪等道德标准。

    Moral criteria are nature , the Tao , artificiality and manner .

  15. 我很了解杰克。他是一个道德标准很高的人。

    I know Jack well-he 's a person with high moral standards .

  16. 那并不代表我没有道德标准和行事准则。

    That 's not to say without morals and standards .

  17. 委员会裁定他的行为违背了道德标准。

    The committee judged that he had not behaved ethically .

  18. 人类基因组计划是否影响社会的道德标准呢?

    Does the human genome project affect the moral standards of society ?

  19. 他所描述的社会是无道德标准和漫无目的的。

    The society that he depicts is amoral and purposeless .

  20. 他们是有高道德标准的新教徒家庭。

    They were Chapel families , with high ethical standards .

  21. 另外一些将之归因于维多利亚时代双重性道德标准;

    Some others to the Victorian double - standard of sexual morality ;

  22. 这种趋势降低了员工的忠诚度,破坏了道德标准。

    This trend decreases employee loyalty and diminishes moral standards .

  23. 确立教育的道德标准,落实教育的道德性,是教育的本真归宿。

    To set educational moral standards is the principal task of education .

  24. 所以,从古至今,道德标准一直是评价文学作品的优劣好坏的一项重要的评价标准。

    So moral standards have always become an important standards in appraising literature .

  25. 恐怖主义、信仰和道德标准多元化等一系列重大问题。

    Terrorism , belief , and various moral standards .

  26. 我们大学校长因他的高道德标准而受尊崇。

    The president of our university is revered for his high moral standard .

  27. 维多利亚时代典型的道德标准或行为。

    Typical of the moral standards or conduct of the age of Victoria .

  28. 那麽不尊敬女性照你的道德标准是可以的吗?

    Is disrespecting women OK by your morals then ?

  29. 他能保存他所珍视的本国文化中积极的道德标准吗?

    Can he preserve the positive values he cherishes in his own culture ?

  30. 现在才开始要求提高道德标准有点晚了。

    It 's a bit late to start claiming the moral high ground .