
  • 网络Chinese translation
  1. ITS、EV中文译名断想

    Rectifying the Chinese Translation of ITS and EV

  2. MaritimeLiens在国内没有统一的中文译名,海事特权一词更能揭示其本质。

    There is no uniform Chinese translation of maritime liens . Maritime privilege can show its essence .

  3. Object等术语的中文译名探讨

    Discussion on Translation of Some Terms , Such Object etc , into Chinese

  4. ASP的全称为ApplicationServiceprovider,中文译名为应用服务供应商或应用服务托管。

    ASP-called Application Service Provider , have been translated into Chinese for application service providers or application hosting services .

  5. 我真的很喜欢看ALittleLife(暂无中文译名)和《金翅雀》(TheGoldfinch)。对了,还有《看不到的光明》(AlltheLightWeCannotSee)。

    I really enjoyed the books A Little Lifeand The Goldfinch . Also , All the Light We Cannot See .

  6. 中日谦逊表达之比较从QFD的中文译名谈起

    A Comparison between Chinese and Japanese Expressions of Modesty

  7. 关于Centromere和Kinetochore的命名和中文译名问题

    The problems of Chinese translation and nomenclature on centromere and kinetochore

  8. 本着孤证不足信的原则,本文通过多种词典定义,分别探讨美英法律文书中brief的本质属性,分析译名混乱的原因,在此基础上建议合适的中文译名。

    Based on the principle of single evidence cannot be trusted , this paper is to explore its intrinsic attribute , to analyze the causes of such confusions and to propose proper Chinese translations through different definitions of dictionaries .

  9. 同时还讨论了基因的概念、进化和epigenetics的中文译名等问题。

    In this paper concept of gene and problems of evolution has been also discussed according to epigenetic viewpoints .

  10. 中国最高法院裁定迈克尔.乔丹(MichaelJordan)对其姓氏的中文译名拥有权利,撤销了中国一家体育公司的注册商标,这些商标被用于销售各种产品,从泳装到豆浆。

    China 's top court has ruled that Michael Jordan has rights over the Chinese translation of his surname , cancelling several trademarks that a local sports company registered to market products from swimsuits to soy milk .

  11. 阐述了园林景观的概念,提出了与国际LA接轨的中文译名“景观学”,认为景观生态学、景观形态学、景观文化学、景观行为心理学是现代景观学的理论基础。

    This paper expounds the concept of landscape Architecture and puts forward a translated Chinese name about international LA . It is assumed that modern LA theory is theoretically based on landscape ecology , landscape morphology , landscape culture and landscape psychology .

  12. 浅谈传粉生物学中几个术语的含义及其中文译名

    On several scientific terms in pollination biology and their Chinese translation

  13. 19世纪社会主义思潮的西来及其中文译名的拟定

    Western Socialist Thought of 19th Century : Its Introduction Into China and Chinese

  14. 本文分析了目前我国文学术语中文译名的翻译中所存的在的问题,并就其规范化提出了一些建议。

    This paper analyzes the problems in the Chinese translation of literary terms , and brings forward some suggestions about its standardization .

  15. 准确理解外来的专业术语并给予合适的中文译名,不仅有助于推动学科的发展,而且有利于同行之间的交流。

    Deeply understanding and correctly translating alien scientific terms will be helpful for the development of ongoing disciplines concerned and beneficial to academic exchanges .

  16. 作为英语译制片不可或缺的部分,中文译名架起了一座把电影和观众初步联系在一起的桥梁。

    As an indispensable part of the translated English films , the translated film titles build up a bridge over the initial connection between the film and the audience .

  17. 卡思黛乐此前一直使用中文译名“卡斯特”在华销售,但没能搞到中国版商标。

    Castel had been using ' Ka Si Li , " the Chinese translation , for its marketing in China but had failed to obtain a Chinese trade mark .

  18. 本文对《Incoterms1990》的中文译名、几个版本之间的关系提出看法;

    Reviewing the handbook " Incoterms 1990 ", the author comments on the Chinese translation of trade terms and makes a comparison between the relationships of several editions since published .

  19. 您写的一本书现在已经成为媒体的焦点,书名,暂无中文译名,书名小标题,这本书主要关于911后的美国。

    You have written a book , heart of the press , THE IDEA THAT IS AMERICA Keeping Faith with Our Values in a Dangerous World The book is about post-911 America .

  20. 结合美国有关国际关系理论的发展,本文考察了这两个概念在英语语境中的含义,及其反应出的不同学术研究取向,并在此基础上提出了恰当的中文译名。

    This paper examines the implication of the two concepts in English by studying the development of international relations theory in the United States , and based on it , gives the appropriate Chinese translations .

  21. 审美功能是指中文译名用简洁、通俗的语言来传递电影的主要内容和情感,符合中文语法规则和大陆观众的表达习惯,让观众领略中文语言的优美。

    The aesthetic function means that the Chinese translations transfer the main plot and emotion of the film in concise and popular language , conforming to the grammatical rules and the language habits of Chinese in order to make the audience sense the beauty of Chinese .