
  • 网络Meiji Era;The Meiji period
  1. 试讨论日本明治时代教育发展的特性。

    Discuss the characteristic features of developments in education during the Meiji period .

  2. 本课题在前人有关海洋战略研究的基础之上,探讨了日本明治时代(1868-1912年)的海洋战略及其实践。

    This Subject mainly discussed the thoughts and practices of Japanese maritime strategy in Meiji Period ( 1868-1912 ) on the basis of others .

  3. 这项针对再婚的法条本意是为了防止搞不清楚离婚后出生的子女的生父是谁而产生的纠纷——在遗产继承利害攸关的明治时代,这一点至关重要,但随着DNA亲子鉴定技术的出现,其重要性已经降低。

    The law on remarriage is supposed to prevent disputes about who fathered children - of vital importance in the Meiji era when inheritances were at stake but less relevant with the advent of DNA paternity tests .

  4. 明治时代日本人的世界历史观念

    The Conception of World History in the Period of Meiji Restoration

  5. 试论明治时代日本的社会风俗改革

    Study on the Meiji Reform and Social Customs Reform in Neoteric Japan

  6. 演员是明治时代的,但情节没有改变。

    The cast is from the Meiji ciassic but the action hasn 't changed .

  7. 这两条法律都要追溯到十九世纪日本的明治时代。

    Both sets of laws date back to Japan 's 19th Century Meiji era .

  8. 关于日本侵华思想研究的几点思考幕末、明治时代日本侵华思想检证

    Verification of Japan 's thought of aggression against China in the eras of Shogunate and Meiji

  9. 井上圆了在明治时代国家主义教育思想占支配地位的情况下,通过艰辛的努力,创办了私立东洋大学。

    In the Meiji Times when the nationalist educational thought was dominant , Inoue Enryo tried hard to found private Toyo University .

  10. 幕末、明治时代日本侵华思想检证它由张明山创始于清代末年。

    Verification of Japan 's thought of aggression against China in the eras of Shogunate and Meiji It was initiated by Zhang Mingshan in late Qing Dynasty .

  11. 在明治时代,随着天皇制绝对主义政权的逐步确立,日本社会各阶层围绕着权利再分配的宪政问题,展开了激烈的斗争。

    In the Meiji ages , along with the establishment of the absolute regime of the Mikado system all the social strata struggled for the redistributed rights .

  12. 这一时期,对于日本刀的精神建构是明治时代日本面对西方的影响寻找自己国家存在价值的一种尝试。

    During this period , Japanese sword the mental construction Meiji era Japan an attempt to find their own country the value of the face of Western influences .

  13. 进入明治时代,成熟的侵略思想最终成为日本政府的侵略战略,指导着日本近代以来的一系列对外侵略战争。

    Entering the MEIJI time , the mature aggression theory turned to be the Japanese government 's aggression strategy , which instructed a series of aggressive war since modern times .

  14. 19世纪80年代,德国著名教育家赫尔巴特的教育理论在明治时代国家主义迅速膨胀的形势下,由德国人赫斯耐克特导入日本。

    In the 80s of the 19th century , the education theory of well known German educator Herbert was introduced to Japan when Meiji Period nationalism was at its climax .

  15. 一直到20世纪初,海军振兴论、海上利益线理论、制海权思想等理论相继确立,明治时代的海洋战略基本形成。

    Until the beginning of the 20th century , with the theories of Navy revitalization , line of benefit and sea power were put forward , the maritime strategy in Meiji Period established gradually .

  16. 中国文学史有关上古、中世、近世的分期法,早先是通过明治时代日本的中介影响,借鉴了西方历史的划分标准。

    The division of Chinese literature into ancient times , middle ages and then modern times is due to the intermediary influence of Meiji academia in Japan which adopted the criteria of division of Western history .

  17. 在明治维新时代,中华文化的影响几乎到了喧宾夺主的程度。

    During the Meiji Restoration in Japan , the influence of Chinese culture was so predominant that its resultant effect was unprecedented in the country of origin .

  18. 本文首先论述了日本从明治维新时代的改革和二战后美军占领期间的改革,认为日本地方政府变迁的历史体现了传统的连续性。

    Firstly , the dissertation discusses the reformation since Meiji Reformation and the reformation in the period of occupying by American troop and believes that the history of transform of Japanese local government embodies the continuity of tradition .

  19. 菊池宽通过描写父亲与长子的对立冲突,深刻地反映了明治和大正时代,近代的自我意识渗透到社会各阶层,并开始挑战以父权为中心的封建家长制的社会现实。

    Kan Kikuchi 's depiction of the conflict between the father and his son reflects that in Meiji and Taisho periods , modern self-consciousness had infiltrated into the whole society and began to challenge the feudal patriarchy .

  20. 通过对明治至昭和时代的小说、新闻等中的敬语用法变化的考察,探讨日语敬语表达的变化。

    Based on the investigation of the changes of application of the honorific form in novels and news from Meiji Era to Showa Era , the paper explores the transition of the expressions of the honorific forming in Japanese .

  21. 文章从明治、大正时代社会的二重性出发,分析了作为时代代表作家的森鸥外在思想结构、文学性格上的二重性,其传统与反传统的互制心理。

    This paper studies the duality in the structure of his thought , his literary character , and his mutually interacting traditional and anti-traditional mentalities by analyzing the duality of the society of the Meiji Age and the Taisho Age .

  22. 他批判明治初年的所谓文明开化,揭露明治时代黑暗的教育制度,把锋芒直指混合着封建主义和资本主义双重血液的明治社会。

    When he appeared for the first time on the literary stage , he criticized so-called " civilization " in the earlier times of MingZhi and exposed the nasty education system in this period and criticized directly the present society with feudalism and capitalism .