
  • 网络Meiji Emperor;emperor meiji;meiji tenno
  1. 明治天皇与甲午战争

    Emperor Meiji and the Sino - Japanese War of 1894

  2. 明治天皇是一流的诗人。

    The Meiji emperor was a leading poet .

  3. 在明治天皇颁布一项法令后,警察、铁路工人和教师开始改穿西服。

    After an edict by Emperor Meiji , police , railroad men and teachers moved to Western clothes .

  4. 在封建时期(12-19世纪)实权掌握在幕府将军和地方武士的手中,他们的统治最终因1868年明治天皇复辟而完结。

    During the feudal period ( 12th-19th century ) real power was held by the shoguns , local warriors whose dominance was finally ended by the restoration of the emperor Mutsuhito in1868 .

  5. 我们这个时代的故事,可以追溯到日本明治天皇统治时期(1867至1912年),那时“别的国家”终于开始下载学习。

    The story of our time , which can be traced back to the reign of the Meiji Emperor in Japan ( 1867-1912 ), is that the Rest finally began to download them .

  6. 在明治时代,随着天皇制绝对主义政权的逐步确立,日本社会各阶层围绕着权利再分配的宪政问题,展开了激烈的斗争。

    In the Meiji ages , along with the establishment of the absolute regime of the Mikado system all the social strata struggled for the redistributed rights .