
zhāo hé
  • Showa;Showa Denko;Showa Shell Sekiyu;Shouwa
  1. 在昭和初年日本无产阶级文学的鼎盛时期,日本无产阶级作家对中国无产阶级的描述显示出超越国界的阶级认同。

    In the beginning of the Showa period , the Japanese proletarian writers accept Chinese proletarian as a brother of themselves .

  2. 他经历了明治、大正、昭和三个时期,被称为日本的小说之神。

    He experienced the Meiji , Taisho , Showa three period , was known in Japan asthe " God of fiction " .

  3. 大理市,南昭和大理王国的历史遗址所在地。

    Dali , the historic center of the Nanzhao and Dali kingdoms .

  4. 昭和天皇裕仁是日本历史上在位时间最长的天皇。

    The regime of Mikado Showa Hirohito is the longest in Japanese history .

  5. 日本刑事补偿法(昭和225年1月1日法律1号)

    Criminal Compensation Act of Japan ( ACT no.1 of 1 , 1 , 1926 )

  6. 有些火车站配备的昭和时代的公厕没有冲水功能,尤其需要更新换代。

    Several train stations outfitted with Showa-era latrines lacked flushing capabilities and were in particular need of an upgrade .

  7. 但田中义一首相、昭和天皇与这一事件关联如何?应负何种责任?

    But about the relations between Prime Minister Tanaka , Mikado Shouwa and the case , history field have different viewpoints .

  8. 到北海道洞爷湖旅游有两个重点:洞爷湖温泉以及昭和新山区。

    Has two key points to the Hokkaido hole master lake traveling : Hole master lake hot spring as well as Shiaowa new mountainous area .

  9. 他的创作跨过了明治、大正、昭和三个时期,持续了半个多世纪,为日本和世界文学都做出了巨大的贡献。

    His creation covered more than half a century from the Meiji , Taisho to Showa , and made a great contribution to Japanese and world literature .

  10. 昭和新山区是一处很受欢迎的旅游景点,游客都很喜欢在此地逗留拍照,并且感受一下大自然的美。

    The Shiaowa new mountainous area is a popular scenic site , the tourists very much likes in this stay photograph , and feels the nature US .

  11. 利用这两种模型分别对东京城昭和40、45年和墨西哥城1950、1955年地面沉降量进行了预测,结果与实际沉降值拟合得较理想。

    The values of earth subsidence of these two cities in 1939 and 1944 and in 1950 and 1955 were forecasted with the help of these two models .

  12. 日本近、现代文学中的家庭经历了明治、大正、昭和三个历史时期,进入了当前的平成年代。

    Having experienced three historical periods & Meiji , Taisho , and Showa , " families " in modern Japanese literature now enter the current period of Heisei .

  13. 昭和在腐蚀后,立方蚀坑最多为17.51%,这与高压箔基体中(001)100立方取向有直接的关系。

    Showa posses the most cubic pits after the electrochemical etched . Which has a direct relationship between ( 001 ) 100cube orientation of the matrix with aluminum foil .

  14. 植田寿藏是日本昭和前期美学研究的代表人物之一,其主要贡献是构建了以“表象性”为核心的美学、艺术哲学体系。

    As a representative figure of aesthetics the early Japanese Syouwa period , Ueda Juzo constructed his aesthetics and art system with " figurative " as the core concept .

  15. 远看有如一片大草地的昭和新山,不时的冒出缕缕白烟,就好像随时都汇火山爆发一般,气势惊人。

    Looked far has like a big lawn Shiaowa Johore , often emits continuously the white smoke , probably momentarily collects the volcanic eruption to be ordinary , the imposing manner is astonishing .

  16. 大正时代(19121926年)、昭和时代前期(19261945年)是日本迅速崛起并最终走上侵略扩张道路的时期。

    Taisho era ( 1912 - 1926 ) and early Showa era ( 1926 - 1945 ) were the period that Japan rapid rose and eventually took to the road of aggression and expansion .

  17. 昭和银行危机和战时金融管制决定了战后日本金融制度的基本特征是以银行体系为中心,银行体系受到政府严格保护。

    The Showa bank crisis and the wartime financial regulation determined that the post-war Japanese financial system were characterized as the bank-centered financial system , and banks were heavily protected by the Japanese government .

  18. 通过对明治至昭和时代的小说、新闻等中的敬语用法变化的考察,探讨日语敬语表达的变化。

    Based on the investigation of the changes of application of the honorific form in novels and news from Meiji Era to Showa Era , the paper explores the transition of the expressions of the honorific forming in Japanese .

  19. 文章从日常生活、文化教育及娱乐生活、新式思想观念和生活方式、妇女问题以及家族制度等方面,概述了昭和初年农村社会生活的变化。

    This article shows us a picture of the social-life of the Japanese country during the early years of Showa period , which includes the aspects such as everyday-life , culture , education , amusement , life-idea and life-style .