
  • 网络Zhaojue County
  1. 四川昭觉县好谷村古墓群的调查和清理

    Survey and Excavation of Ancient Tombs at Haogu Village in Zhaojue County , Sichuan

  2. 本文的目的是对昭觉县中小学体育现状进行全面、准确地调查和深入地分析。

    The purpose of this thesis is to conduct a comprehensive and accurate survey and analysis of Zhaojue County Schools Physical education and Sports .

  3. 四川省昭觉县是我国最大的彝族聚居县,也曾是凉山彝族自治州的州府所在地。

    Zhaojue County of Sichuan Province is the largest county inhabited by the Yis throughout China , and also used to be the capital of the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture .

  4. 过去的两天里,这张孩子们奋力挣扎的照片让全国人民都揪起了心。据《新京报》报道,一只来自昭觉县交通、教育和环境部门的50人工作小组已经抵达了阿土勒尔村,查看当地环境。

    A work team of 50 from Zhaojue county 's transport , education and environment departments arrived in Atuleer to look into the situation after photos of the children 's struggle caught the nation 's attention in the past two days , The Beijing News reported .

  5. 在布托和昭觉两县的诺苏彝族村庄里,我被诺苏彝族山民们对于他们的传统的怀念和依恋所深深打动。

    In secluded Nuosu villages of Butuo and Zhaojue counties , I was struck by the attachment of the Nuosu hill people to their time-honored ways .