
  • 网络Ningnan;ningnan county
  1. 四川省宁南县沼气开发利用

    Development and utilization of biogas in Ningnan county , Sichuan Province

  2. 宁南县彝族寄宿制学生沙眼调查研究

    Research on trachoma among Yi Nationality Students under boarding system in Ningnan

  3. 宁南县可再生能源资源合理开发

    The rational utilization of renewable energy resources in Ningnan County

  4. 宁南县荒地的合理开发试点

    A trial of rational exploitation of wasteland in Ningnan County

  5. 宁南县水利建设的改善

    Improvement of the water conservancy construction in Ningnan County

  6. 宁南县蚕桑生产的发展

    The development of silkworm and mulberry in Ningnan County

  7. 宁南县加速推广等高固氮植物篱技术成效

    Extension of Contour Hedgerow Technique in Ningnan County

  8. 宁南县多能互补综合能源模式在满足农村能源需求、保护山区环境方面有很大作用。

    So actualizing integrated energy development mode to meet the rural domestic energy demand is an effective instrument .

  9. 金沙江巧家段河谷广泛发育厚层黄土状堆积,尤以金沙江左岸宁南县华弹一带最为发育。

    There is a wide distribution of thick loessal sediment around Qiaojia in the Jinshajiang River valley , especially near the Huatan area , Ningnan county , Sichuan province on the left bank .

  10. 宁南县将一些25°~30°的陡坡地集中连片改造为梯地,并配套有较完善的坡面水系工程,不但有效防治了水土流失,而且作物产量和产值大幅度提高。

    Some of the steep slope land with grade of 25 to 30 degree have been constructed to be terrace in large scale and equipped with perfect slope water system projects , which not only controls soil and water loss but also significantly increases grain production and output .

  11. 认为,宁南山区各地、县领导将发展果树生产,开发果品经济作为发展贫困山区经济的战略设想,不仅是可行的,也是可能的。

    It is thought that leaders of each district and county in this region should take developing fuit production and economy as a strategy of developing economy in poverty region .