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  1. 仁川亚运会对宁泽涛而言只是一个开始。

    The Asian Games are just the beginning for Ning .

  2. 但中国的体育迷更关注100米自由泳的参赛者宁泽涛。

    But Chinese fans are more focused on the 100-meter freestyle contenderNing Zetao .

  3. 此外,宁泽涛是中国海军的一员。

    He 's a member of the Chinese Navy .

  4. 面对媒体的聚焦,宁泽涛依旧谦逊低调、有礼有节。

    In the face of intensifying media attention , Ning is staying humble and disciplined .

  5. 除了超凡的游泳实力,宁泽涛帅气的外形也备受关注。

    Aside from his excellent swimming abilities , Ning is also getting attention for his cool looks .

  6. 中国的宁泽涛在世界游泳锦标赛中一路领先,获得百米自由泳冠军。

    Ning Zetao of China led all the way to win the 100-meter freestyle at the world swimming championships .

  7. 挺拔的鼻梁、大大的眼睛、颇具阳刚之气的身材、以及出身军队的背景,都让宁泽涛赢得一大波粉丝。

    His straight nose , big eyes , masculine figure and an army background are bringing him legions of fans .

  8. 50米自由泳预赛中,小鲜肉宁泽涛排名所有选手第30位,遗憾出局。

    China 's hot swimmer Ning Zetao failed men 's 50m freestyle preliminary contest , ranking 30th among all swimmers .

  9. 本次亚运会上,宁泽涛连夺男子50米自由泳、100米自由泳、男子4×100米自由泳接力和男子4×100米混合泳接力四枚金牌。

    Ning won four gold medals : 50-meter freestyle , 100-meter freestyle , 4x100m freestyle relay , and 4x100m medley relay .

  10. 在赛后的采访中,宁泽涛表示他已经进了自己最大的努力,并且发挥了他的正常水平。

    In an interview after the competition , Ning said he had tried his best and performed to his usual level .

  11. 加之在军队中学会的纪律严明,似乎没有什么可以阻挡宁泽涛一片光明的“泳途”。

    Coupled with the discipline he learned in the army , it seems nothing can stop Ning from growing into a promising swimmer .

  12. 来自河南的宁泽涛曾是河南省游泳队的一员,2007年,他加入了中国人民解放军海军游泳队。

    From Henan province , he moved to the swimming team of the People 's Liberation Navy from his provincial swimming team in 2007 .

  13. 8月6日,中国游泳运动员宁泽涛在俄罗斯喀山世界游泳锦标赛上以47秒84的成绩获得男子100米自由泳金牌。

    Chinese swimmer Ning Zetao won the men 's 100-meter freestyle in 47.84 seconds at the world championships in Kazan , Russia , on Aug 6 .

  14. 去年亚运会,宁泽涛将50米自由泳以及100米自由泳冠军名号收入囊中,成为首个突破48秒的亚洲人。

    Ning swept the 50 and 100 freestyle titles at last year 's Asian Games , becoming the first Asian swimmer to break the 48-second barrier .

  15. 去年亚运会上宁泽涛赢得首个国际奖项,本周四晚上,宁泽涛以47.84秒的成绩获得了世界游泳锦标赛冠军。

    Ning touched first in 47.84 seconds Thursday night , following up his victory in last year 's Asian Games with his first world title a year .

  16. 在里约奥运会之前,关于宁泽涛因和中国国家游泳管理机构存在商业纠纷而有可能无缘里约征程的传言铺天盖地而来。

    Before the Rio Games , rumors swirled that Ning Zetao had been disqualified from the Rio Games over commercial disputes with China 's national governing body of swimming .

  17. 宁泽涛在2015年喀山世锦赛中获得男子100米自由泳冠军后一举成名,在里约奥运会举办前成为夺冠热门选手。

    Ning rose to the stardom when he won the men 's 100-meter freestyle at the Kazan World Championships in 2015 , becoming a hot favorite ahead of the Rio Olympic Games .

  18. 根据陈运鹏的分析,宁泽涛的优势来自于他1.91米的身高与90公斤的体重,这样的比例让他能在水中几乎没有阻力的自由穿梭。

    According to an analysis by Chen Yunpeng , Ning 's advantages stem from his height of 1.91 meters and 80-kilogram weight , which allow him to glide through the water with little obstruction .

  19. 宁泽涛自己随后甚至在微博上调侃奥运会跳水水池中神秘的绿色。他写道:“真正的内心强大就是无愧我心。”

    Ning even joked about the mysterious " green " diving pool at the Olympics in a later post on his Weibo account and wrote , " The real strong heart is a clear conscience . "

  20. 在4x100米混合泳接力中,宁泽涛在最后一棒游出了46.91秒的成绩,助中国队以总成绩3分31.37秒获得冠军,并且打破了该项目的亚洲纪录。

    Ning clocked in at 46.91 seconds during the last leg of the 4x100m medley relay , vaulting the Chinese team toward its win of the relay in 3 minutes 31.37 seconds , a new Asian Games record .

  21. 同时,他的教练叶瑾曾经带出过游泳名将齐珲。加之在军队中学会的纪律严明,似乎没有什么可以阻挡宁泽涛一片光明的泳途。

    Ning also has coach Ye Jin , who has cultivated talents like Qi Hui , behind him . Coupled with the discipline he learned in the army , it seems nothing can stop Ning from growing into a promising swimmer .

  22. 这是宁泽涛第一次参加奥运会的比赛,尽管未能进入决赛,但是许多中国网民对这名年轻的游泳选手还是表示了宽容和尊敬,并且传递了他们的祝福。

    It is Ning 's first time competing at the Olympic Games , and many Chinese netizens have voiced their tolerance and respect towards the young swimmer , and passed on their blessings despite his ' failure ' to reach the final .

  23. 周四,宁泽涛以47.84秒的成绩获得世界游泳锦标赛冠军,为中国短距游泳领域带来曙光。22岁的宁泽涛成为第一个在世界游泳锦标赛中获得冠军的亚洲人。

    Ning surprised a depleted field to win the 100-meter freestyle at the world championships in 47.84 seconds on Thursday.The 22-year-old Ning became the first man from Asia to win a medal of any color in the 100 free at the worlds .

  24. 在去年的喀山世锦赛中,中国网红宁泽涛成为了第一位赢得100米自由泳冠军的亚洲男运动员。但是他却没能进入2016年里约奥运会100米自由泳比赛的决赛。

    China 's international sensation Ning Zetao , who became the first Asian man ever to win the 100m freestyle at the world championships in Kazan last year , failed to qualify for the men 's 100m freestyle final at the 2016 Rio Olympics .

  25. 在宁泽涛返回海军队之后,国家体育总局游泳运动管理中心仍然明确声明:“国家游泳队的大门,会一直对那些愿意为中国游泳事业作出贡献的人才开放。”

    In turning Ning back to the Navy team , the Chinese swimming authority still made it clear that " the door of the national swimming team is always open to those talent who are willing to make contribution to the swimming sport in China . "

  26. 9月19日至10月4日在韩国仁川举办的第17界亚运会上,21岁的中国运动员宁泽涛以其帅气的相貌、完美的身材、以及4枚金牌的战绩轻松成为体坛新星。

    With good looks , a perfect figure , and a total of four gold medals , 21-year-old athlete Ning Zetao easily proved himself to be a rising star during the 17th Asian Games , which is being held in Incheon , South Korea from Sept 19 to Oct 4 .

  27. 国家体育总局游泳运动管理中心日前发表声明证实,宁泽涛违反了国家游泳队的规定,给国家游泳队的建设造成了不良影响,因此被调整回原单位海军队训练。

    Ning Zetao has violated the rules of the Chinese national swimming team which has resulted in adverse effect on the team , therefore was turned back to his original Chinese Navy team for training , the Swimming Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China confirmed in a statement .

  28. 时间落款为2016年10月18日的国家体育总局游泳运动管理中心内部文件于近日被公布在网上。文件透露,宁泽涛未经国家队批准私自签署赞助合同,不服从国家队竞赛安排,拒绝参加奥运接力项目资格赛。

    An internal notification of the Chinese swimming authority , marked on Oct 18 , 2016 , was posted online recently , disclosing that Ning signed sponsorship in private without consent of the team , refused to comply with the competition assignment of the team and declined to take part in an Olympic qualifying relay event .

  29. 赢得游泳比赛之后,宁泽涛站在颁奖台最高处,他攥紧胸前衣服上印着的中国国旗,举向高处。比赛结束从游泳池出来之前,他也将印有中国国旗的泳帽举了起来。

    Standing on the highest step of the podium after winning swimming 's signature race , Ning Zetao clutched his warmup suit by his chest where there was an image of the Chinese flag and thrust it upward . And before he even got out of the pool he did the same thing with his swim cap .