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  1. 郜林因为这起事件也许会被送回家,他说是被激怒了。

    Gao , who could be sent home , said he had been provoked .

  2. 这场争斗的录像昨天已经在中国电视台播放,录像显示是上海申花前锋郜林被一个女王巡游者球员抱起后首先挥拳动手。

    Footage of the fight was aired yesterday in China , showing the Shanghai Shenhua striker Gao Lin throwing punches after being picked up by a QPR player .

  3. 杨昊接过韩国防守罚球区的失误发球并将球传给郜林,郜林绕过了韩国守门员李云在进球,在比赛进行到28分钟的时候将比分拉到2比0。

    Yang Hao held up a mis-directed pass from the South Korean defender out side the box and pass the ball to Gao Lin , who beat keeper Lee Woon-Jae to extend China 's lead to2-0 in the28th minute .

  4. 两队仅有过1次交锋,就是本赛季第2轮,恒大客场2-1力挫力帆,为恒大破门的是郜林及高拉特。

    These two teams only encountered with each other once , which was in the Round 2 in this season . Hengda defeated Lifan as visiting team with 2-1 , and it was Gaolin and Goulart contributed to this victory .