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  1. 李玲不擅长写诗。

    Li Ling is not good at writing poems .

  2. 对青少年女子撑竿跳高运动员李玲2004年冬训期训练负荷量的分析

    Analysis on the Training Load of Winter Training of Teenagers Women Vaulter-Liling in 2004

  3. 负责美国到寮国的电脑运费:李玲。

    Freight charge paid by : Lynn Lee .

  4. 李玲,中国什么地方的春天最美?

    Li Ling , which place in China is the most beautiful in spring ?

  5. 她还在帮助李玲吗?

    Is she still helping Li Ling ?

  6. 谁是你们班跳舞最好的?我认为李玲是我们班跳的最好的。

    Who dances best in your class ? I think Li Ling dances best in your class .

  7. 中国国际人才开发中心高级顾问李玲(音译)也持相同观点。

    Li Ling , a senior consultant at the China International Talent Development Center , holds the same view .

  8. 优秀女子铅球运动员李玲滑步、过渡阶段速度节奏特征研究

    The Research of Velocity Rhythm Characteristic on Gliding and Transitional Stage Technique of Domestic Female Elite Shot Putter Liling

  9. 身为人力资源经理的李玲(音译)说:积极应对抱怨者,帮他们找到解决之道,或考虑一下是否有改善现状的方案。

    Listen to the whiners actively , says HR Li . Help them find a solution , or see if there are ways to improve the situation .

  10. 一个男孩说他的老师李玲用针在他脸上、胳膊的痣上、背部和臀部扎刺。

    A boy said his teacher identified as Li Ling pricked him with a needle in his face , the mole on his arm , in his back and buttocks .

  11. 你需要分辨这些不同类型的抱怨,并采取正确的策略应对。沃尔玛(中国)投资有限公司人力资源经理李玲(音译)说道。

    You need to discern between these different types and adopt the right tactic towards each , said Li Ling , HR manager at Walmart ( China ) Investment Co Ltd.

  12. 今年在卡塔尔多哈的亚洲室内田径锦标赛中,撑杆跳高选手李玲以4米70的成绩获得女子撑杆跳冠军,打破了自己保持的亚洲纪录。

    Specializing in the pole vault , Li Ling won the gold medal at the Asian Indoor Championships in Doha this year with a height of 4.70 meters , breaking her own Asian record .

  13. 结论:李玲在起滑时蹬地角偏大,左腿摆动垂直分速过大,水平分速相对较小,重心腾起角增大;

    At the gliding stage , LI Ling angel of thigh and ground is much big , the swing legs vertical speed too high , level speed too smell and the enlarging angel of body gravity ;

  14. 李玲超越器械和左侧支撑技术不好,左脚的着地方式不合理,最后用力的幅度小、距离短,向前性不好;

    LI Ling is exceeding equipment and left supporting is not good , the landing way of her left foot is unreasonable , the last exerting range is small , the distance is short and the forward is not good .