
  • 【人名】Bingbing Li
  1. 还给中国演员分配了一些值得注意的角色,比如李冰冰。

    Significant roles to were given to Chinese actors such as Li Bingbing .

  2. 我们欢迎李冰冰。

    Please welcome , Li Bing Bing .

  3. 同时,李冰冰也饰演一个意志坚定的角色,丝毫不让步。

    However , Li , also a strong-willed character in the film , shows no sign of conceding .

  4. 镜头:李冰冰警服、肩章、手铐都齐了,和真的差不多。

    Lens : Li3 Bing Bing the Jing , epaulet , handcuffs all together , with really about .

  5. 廖凡,1997年毕业于上海戏剧学院,与李冰冰和任泉是同班同学。

    Graduated from Shanghai Theatre Academy in 1997 , Liao was in the same class with Li Bingbing and Ren Quan .

  6. 首先我们真的感到万分荣幸,这是李冰冰在美国电视采访的处女秀。正式欢迎你的到来。

    First of all , what an honor , because this is your first American TV interview . So welcome , officially .

  7. 非常感谢李冰冰,她最新电影《雪花与秘扇》将会在本周末上映。

    Our thanks to Bing Bing , her movie , The Snow flower and The Secret Fan , opens this weekend , this week !

  8. 美国派拉蒙电影公司宣布已邀请中国女演员李冰冰加盟即将上映的科幻动作电影《变形金刚4》。

    Paramount Pictures of the United States announced that it had added Chinese actress Li Bingbing into the cast for the upcoming sci-fi actioner Transformers 4 .

  9. 李冰冰刚出道时总是给人软弱、充满女人味的印象,部分原因正是她的一头长发。

    When she first came out as an actress , Li Bingbing 's looks were often described as fragile and feminine , partly because of her long locks .

  10. 说到电影明星,没几个人能比李冰冰更加引人注目,而她也应邀参加了周二在洛杉矶举行的中美电影年度峰会。

    As for movie stars , few are more dazzling than Li Bingbing , who was an honored guest here on Tuesday at the annual U.S. - China Film Summit .

  11. 李冰冰因在华谊兄弟传媒集团和上海制片集团拍摄的间谍电影《风声》中的出色表演获得最佳女主角。

    Li Bingbing took out the best leading actress award for her performance in " The Message ", an espionage movie produced by Huayi Brothers Media Group and Shanghai Film Group .

  12. 对于记者的疑惑,李冰冰称贴这个有助于淡定心情、安神,对于脊椎和各个方面都有帮助。

    Regarding reporter 's doubts , Li Bing ices the name to paste this to be helpful to the calm mood , calms the nerves , has the help regarding the vertebra and each aspect .

  13. 李冰冰,因主演《生化危机:惩罚》和《雪花秘扇》而被西方观众所熟知,此次将联手马克沃尔伯格,斯坦利图齐和其他明星一起参演派拉蒙公司电影的第四部分。

    Li , who is best known by western audience for starring in Resident Evil : Retribution and Snow Flower and the Secret Fan , will join hands with Mark Wahlberg , Stanley Tucci and others in the fourth installment in the hit film franchise from the Paramount Pictures .