
  1. 孙悦在NBA之旅是否是一个失败的事呢?

    That Sun had somehow failed in his journey to the NBA ?

  2. 在一个一般我们不会想去发现nba选秀的联盟,我们发现孙悦在ABA打出了一次疯狂的数据。

    Going to a league where we typically don 't expect to find NBA draft prospects , we find Sun Yue putting up a crazy stat-line in the American ABA league .

  3. 他在周日的这个晚上,在洛杉矶开始了自己的NBA首秀,赛后媒体记者们紧紧地围住了孙悦,想知道在这个特殊的时刻,孙心里想的是什么。

    He had played in his first NBA regular-season game with the Lakers on Sunday , and the media formed a semicircle around him , wanting to know how he felt about this special moment .

  4. 沃顿因流感症状未能上场比赛,这给了孙悦一个首秀的机会,孙悦上场后表现得很积极。KFC让孙悦出现在了12人大名单上,而不是给DJ姆本家。

    He was active for the first time this season because Luke Walton was sick with flu-like symptoms , opening a roster spot , which Lakers Coach Phil Jackson gave to Sun over DJ Mbenga .

  5. 算了吧,他还是力争能上场吧。孙悦?

    I hope he is gonna be well after his NBA career .

  6. 科比-卡尔,乔-克劳福德,德怀恩-米切尔,孙悦。

    Coby Karl , Joe Crawford , DJ Mbenga , Dwayne Mitchell , Sun Yue .

  7. 孙悦把球保护得很好,不让科比对中国队的进攻造成太大威胁。

    Sun protected the ball well and kept Bryant from disrupting China 's offense too much .

  8. 展望:已经签约的孙悦并没有就湖人下赛季的计划谈论多少。

    Outlook : The signing of Yue says nothing necessarily about the Lakers'plans for this coming season .

  9. 孙悦,一开始就是尽对的龙套,尽对角色球员,尽对的被裁型!

    Sun Yue , a beginning absolute bit-part player , absolute role players , the absolute dismissed type !

  10. 《洛杉矶时报》称孙悦是一个小号的库科奇,个高,左撇子,全能的技术令人称奇。

    The Los Angeles Times describes Sun as a smaller Toni Kukoc-long and left-handed with a surprising all-around game .

  11. 孙悦刚刚签约洛杉矶湖人队,就因单核细胞增多症测试呈阳性,恐将无缘近期的比赛。

    Recently signed Los Angeles Lakers guard Sun Yue will be sidelined indefinitely as a result of testing positive for mononucleosis .

  12. “孙悦是中国队后场最好的球员,”新闻发布会上他说。

    " No9 ( Sun ) is the best player in China 's backcourt ," he said during a press conference .

  13. 私下里说,球队的官方和孙悦的经纪人都会在考虑如果将孙悦下放到发展联盟将会在中国产生怎样的一个动静。

    Privately , team officials and Sun 's camp were worried how an assignment to the D-League would play in China .

  14. 而孙悦现在的病情却遮遮掩掩,语焉不详,其中或许另有隐情。

    But the Sun Yue present 's condition actually covers up , insufficiently detailed , perhaps in addition has the secret facts .

  15. 我们看到了等待很久的孙悦身穿湖人战袍的首场亮相,但有点失望。

    We were able to see the much-anticipated debut of Sun Yue in a Lakers uniform , but it was a disappointment .

  16. 孙悦打得很强悍,尽管绝大部分时间他都在被科比死守,而科比被很多人认为是这个星球上最擅长外线防守的人。

    Sun played a strong game despite spending most of it being guarded by Bryant , arguably the best outside defender on the planet .

  17. 湖人的主教练菲尔-杰克逊和队友德里克-费舍尔以及阿里扎都去观看了孙悦在发展联盟的第一场比赛,是在下午3:30的,来表示对孙悦的支持。

    Lakers coach Phil Jackson and teammates Derek Fisher and Trevor Ariza even made a point of showing up early to support Sun in the3:30 p.m.game .

  18. 孙悦在发展联盟,其实可以避开很多麻烦,卧薪尝胆,方有一展宏图时。

    Sun Yue in the development of the Union , could have avoided a lot of trouble , hardships , and one side when ambitious exhibition .

  19. 但孙悦的进步为他赢得了如潮的赞扬,不论是从队友还是教练。

    It may be a while before Sun 's contract is finalized , but his massive improvements have won him high praise from teammates and coaches .

  20. 孙悦:6英尺9英寸,220磅,来自中国,被誉为“中国的魔术师”,已经和湖人就一份2年的合同达成了一致。

    Sun Yue : The6 ′ 9,220 pounder from China , dubbed " The Chinese Magic ," has reportedly agreed to a two year contract with the Lakers .

  21. 禅师说孙悦迟早会有上场的机会的,但是他也暗示孙悦可能先到防御者队打球。

    But Jackson said that sooner or later he would like Sun to get some game action and Jackson indicated that likely would happen first with the D-Fenders .

  22. 孙悦:我开始打篮球的时候打的是1号位,但是在奥兰多训练营他们让我打了一些不同的位置。

    Yue : When I started playing basketball I started playing at the one position , but at the Orlando camps they moved me around a little bit .

  23. 但这并不是一个伟大的目的,孙悦还是希望能够待在湖人,在训练中能够向那些最好的球员学习,而不是去主宰发展联盟。

    Sun though , wanted to stay with the Lakers and learn in practice playing alongside the best players in the league , not dominate in the D-League .

  24. 在奥运会期间孙悦的实力将会被进一步的展示出来,所以为他提供一份两年的合同可以确保用于孙悦的钱不会被花在别的地方。

    Yue is going to get a lot of exposure during the Olympics so offering a two year contract ensures that the Lakers will not watch Yue bolt for money elsewhere .

  25. 因为他传球第一的意识,以及三分线外的持续良好表现(看来此次大试训中孙悦的三分表现一直很好),有很多理由可以把他看作非常适合太阳队的一名球员。

    With a pass first , shoot second mentality and an ability to shoot consistently well beyond the three-point arc , Yue in many ways appears a solid fit for this Phoenix Suns team .

  26. 中国球员孙悦很漂亮的反弹球传到篮下,非常准确和舒服到了象牙海岸球员的手里让他打中得分。

    There was the nifty bounce pass into the post by China 's Sun Yue , expertly delivered at the proper height and to the proper hand of Ali Traore of the Ivory Coast for a score .

  27. “碰到科比,我告诉他期待着下赛季一起打球,他说‘好啊,训练营见’”。第一场打完美国队后孙悦告诉《中国日报》。

    " I met Kobe and told him I 'd like to play with him next season , he said'OK ' , and'see you in training camp ' ," Sun told China Daily after China 's opening loss to the US .