
  1. 中国游泳运动员孙杨在周日的世界游泳锦标赛中获得了金牌,同时打破了由GrantHackertt所保持的1500迷自由泳世界纪录,继这位澳大利亚人之后登上了长距游泳之王的宝座。

    China 's Sun Yang broke Grant Hackett's1,500 metres freestyle world record on Sunday to take world championships gold and stake his claim to succeed the Australian as king of long-distance swimming .

  2. 虽然另一位选手Cochrane在前半段还能够和孙杨保持一个身长的距离,但是在后半段Cochrane却没能够继续跟随孙杨。

    While Cochrane kept within a body length of the 19-year-old Chinese for the first half , he was unable to stay with him after that and Sun kicked away .

  3. 周一,孙杨在家乡杭州驾驶一辆由其代言的保时捷SUV并被一辆公交追尾,随后孙杨因无照驾驶被交警拘留。

    Sun Yang was detained on Monday by police for driving without a license , after a bus rear-ended his Porsche SUV in his home town of Hangzhou . Sun was not hurt in the accident .

  4. 一个名为“孙杨不哭”的标题迅速在中国互联网传播开来,霍顿的脸书,推特和instagram被攻击要求其向孙杨道歉。

    A hashtag " Sun Yang Don 't Cry " quickly went viral on the Chinese web , and Horton 's Facebook , Twitter and Instagram posts were flooded with comments attacking him and demanding he apologize to Sun .

  5. 孙杨曾一度看起来无法打破Hackett的世界纪录,因为他在分段世界纪录当中始终没能达到破纪录的标准,但是在最后300米的时候大家发现孙杨的速度明显加快,最终达到世界纪录的水平。

    Sun had looked unlikely to break Hackett 's record as he was slipping consistently outside the world record split times until the final 300 metres when he noticeably accelerated his pace .

  6. 孙杨生于浙江一个运动家庭。

    Sun was born into a sporting family in Zhejiang province .

  7. 霍顿之前称他的中国竞争对手孙杨是一个“服用兴奋剂的骗子”。

    The Australian swimmer previously dubbed his Chinese rival a dope cheat .

  8. 显然,孙杨是天生的运动员。

    Straight away , it was obvious that Sun was a gifted swimmer .

  9. 孙杨在2012年的伦敦奥运会上就赢得了400米和1500米自由泳比赛的金牌。

    He won the 400m and 1500m free titles at the London 2012 Games .

  10. 2012年,孙杨成为中国第一位赢得奥林匹克游泳金牌的选手。

    Sun Yang became the first Chinese male swimmer to win Olympic gold in 2012 .

  11. 2014年,孙杨在一种违禁药物检测呈阳性后被禁赛三个月。

    Sun served a three-month ban in 2014 after testing positive to a banned substance .

  12. 孙杨还将参加光州世锦赛的200米、800米和接力比赛。

    Sun will also compete in the 200m and 800m and relay events in Gwangju .

  13. 孙杨被处以拘留7日并处罚金2000元的处罚。

    Sun Yang is serving a seven-day jail sentence , and was fined 2000 Yuan .

  14. 孙杨说:我现在能做的是把压力化为动力。

    What I need to do now is to turn pressure into motivation , Sun says .

  15. 2016年,霍顿在里约热内卢奥运会上击败孙杨获得男子400米自由泳金牌。

    In 2016 , Horton upset Sun to win men 's 400m freestyle gold at the Rio Olympics .

  16. 孙杨要求在国际体育仲裁法庭举行公开听证会,以就他涉嫌违反反兴奋剂规则的行为进行辩护。

    Sun requested a public hearing at the CAS to defend his innocence against alleged anti-doping rule violations .

  17. 在获得世锦赛200米自由泳项目的冠军之前,孙杨已经获得过400米,800米,1500米自由泳这三个世锦赛项目的金牌。

    Sun claimed the golds in the 400m , 800m and 1500m freestyle before his 200m triumph at worlds .

  18. 孙杨目前与美国选手瑞安·罗切特并列第二,共获得10枚全球赛事的个人金牌。

    Sun is now tied second with Ryan Lochte of the United States with 10 individual gold medals in the Worlds .

  19. 霍顿的成绩为3分41秒55,仅比孙杨的成绩超出0.13秒。

    Horton clocked 3 minutes 41.55 seconds , eclipsing Sun by just 13 hundredths of a second at the Olympic Aquatics stadium .

  20. 瘦长的孙杨也赢得过上海游泳比赛的800米自由泳,自始至终保持着领先地位。

    The gangly Sun , who had also won the 800 freestyle in Shanghai , controlled the race from start to finish .

  21. 2010年,孙杨在第16届亚运会中获得了两枚金牌,他开始进入人们的视野中。

    The young swimming talent came into the spotlight in 2010 when he won two gold medals at the 16th Asian Games .

  22. 周三,孙杨已经夺得了800米自由泳的冠军,在长距离自由泳赛事中独领风骚。

    Sun , already won the 800m freestyle on Wednesday , retained his solo stage in the world 's long-distance freestyle events .

  23. 在很多人眼里,中国游泳运动员孙杨被列为最大的威胁,他在四年前的伦敦奥运会上夺得了两枚金牌。

    The Chinese swimmer most cite as thebiggest threat is Sun Yang , a double gold medal winner in London four yearsago .

  24. 在孙杨在自由泳项目中做出完美回击之后,傅园慧在女子100米仰泳决赛中赢得了一枚铜牌。

    After Sun makes sweet revenge in the freestyle discipline , Fu Yuanhui tied for bronze in the women 's 100 backstroke final .

  25. 中国的孙杨打破哈克特的世界纪录获得1500米自由泳金牌后向观众致意。

    China 's Sun Yang acknowledges the crowd after winning the gold medal and smashing Grant Hackett 's world record in the1500m freestyle .

  26. 在徐嘉余夺冠前,中国泳坛明星孙杨夺得了他在世锦赛男子200米自由泳项目上的首枚金牌。

    Before Xu 's triumph , Chinese swimming star Sun Yang clinched his first gold medal in men 's 200m freestyle at the World Championships .

  27. 由于孙杨想成为长距离游泳运动员,所以他需要承受比短距离游泳队友更加严格的管理体制。

    With the intention of becoming a long distance swimmer , Sun had to endure harsher training regimes than his fellow short distance team mates .

  28. 孙杨在赛后表示:教练赛前告诉他要瞄准金牌,不要想着破世界纪录。

    The coach told me before the race to focus on the gold medal and not to worry about breaking the world record , Sun said .

  29. 哈克特,澳大利亚游泳队的前任队长,昨晚从墨尔本机场乘车回家时得知了自己的纪录被孙杨打破的消息。

    Former Australia captain Hackett was in a car on his way home from Melbourne Airport last night when informed that Sun had broken his mark .

  30. 伦敦奥运会上,孙杨打破了男子1500米自由泳的世界纪录,获得了此项目的金牌。

    At the London Olympic Games , Sun Yang smashed his own world record in the Mens 1500m Freestyle to win a gold medal in the event .