
  • Sun Li;Li Sun;Betty Sun;Susan
  1. 公司成立之初,就聘请著名影视演员孙俪作为形象代言人,成为第一个产品未上市就聘请形象代言人的中国手机品牌。

    When just established , the company engaged one of the most present movie-star , Li Sun , as brand ambassador , which make CLOVE the first brand before be listed in china .

  2. 最常见的:asenseofhumor.孙俪很有幽默感。

    Sun Li has got a good sense of humor .

  3. 孙俪在剧中扮演女主周莹。

    Leading actress Sun Li played Zhou in the drama .

  4. 孙俪为手表商做广告。

    Sun Li poses for watch ad.

  5. 参加该片演出的除了孙俪外,还有中国当红影星梁家辉、加拿大人卢克·麦克法兰和爱尔兰人彼特·奥图。

    Sun Li will work alongside Hong Kong veteran Tony Leung Ka Fai , Canadian actor Luke MacFarlane , and Irishman Peter O'Toole .

  6. 邓超和孙俪决定赌一把,试探一下他们能否将现实中的化学反应转化为银幕魔法。

    Deng Chao and Sun Li decided to take a gamble and see if they could translate their real-life chemistry into onscreen magic .

  7. 孙俪和邓超延续了美国影星布拉德皮特和安吉丽娜ㄠ襧(合作电影)口碑差的诅咒。

    Sun and Deng share the curse of poor critical reviews with another actor-couple , Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie-Pitt from the US .

  8. 主人公甄嬛(孙俪饰演)起初是位单纯善良的少女,进入后宫成为皇帝的妃嫔。

    The heroine , Zhen Huan ( Sun Li ), initially a kind and innocent young lady , enters the emperor 's harem of concubines .

  9. 2016年,孙俪主演同题材电视剧《芈月传》,共计81集,每集片酬50万元。

    In 2016 she starred in The Legend of Mi Yue , a similarly lengthy series of 81 episodes , and received 500000 yuan per episode .

  10. 虽然孙俪是1982年生人,但在许多观众眼中,她仍然成功塑造了一个可爱天真的少女周莹。

    Despite her age , Sun , who was born in 1982 , still successfully presented a lovely and innocent teenage Zhou in the eyes of many audience members .

  11. 这位35岁的演员事业有成,有一个才华横溢、同样处于事业巅峰的妻子&孙俪,还育有两子,他还有什么不满足呢?

    The 35-year-old actor has a successful career ; a talented wife , Sun Li , who is also currently at the peak of her career ; and two children .

  12. 演员孙俪则凭借自己在《芈月传》中令人印象深刻的演绎芈月--中国历史上第一位真正的太后--而斩获本届最佳女演员奖。

    Sun Li won the best actress award for her impressive performance of Miyue - the first empress dowager in Chinese history - in " The Legend of Miyue . "

  13. 流行天后王菲,女主持杨澜,名模吕燕及影星张曼玉、巩俐、张静初、孙俪皆在十强之列。

    Pop queen Faye Wong , hostess Yang Lan , model Lv Yan and actresses Maggie Cheung , Gong Li , Zhang Jingchu and Sun Li also ranked in the Top10 .

  14. 《甄嬛传》由郑晓龙导演,孙俪、陈建斌等主演,播出之后被誉为近年来中国大陆最好的古装剧之一。

    Directed by Zheng Xiaolong and starring Sun Li and Chen Jianbin , " Legend of Zhen Huan " has been praised as one of the best historical dramas in the Chinese mainland in recent years .

  15. 尽管2015年她仅仅出演了两部剧:一部是《万物生长》,该片取得中国票房第二的不俗成绩;另一部《王朝的女人》,此片一经上映,遂遭恶评如潮。第二位:孙俪。

    That comes despite her only appearing in two major releases in 2015 , Ever Since We Loved , which reached a peak of number two at the Chinese box office , and Lady of the Dynasty - a film which was critically panned after its international release .

  16. 76集的中文版《甄嬛传》将被改编成6集的迷你电视电影和13集的美版电视剧,重新制作电视配乐,中国电视明星孙俪补拍甄嬛晚年生活的镜头。

    Based on the 76-episode drama in the original Chinese version , the six-episode TV movie and 13-episode American drama reproduced the TV music and retook the shots of the life in old age of the main character Zhen Huan , presented by Chinese popular TV star Sun Li .