
  • 网络Han Hong;world music
  1. 流行歌手韩红,戴着眼镜,她正在为歌迷们唱歌。

    Han Hong , a singer glasses , for her fans .

  2. 该节目的前几季冠军分别是羽泉、韩磊和韩红。

    The previous winners of the show include Yu Quan , Han Lei and Han Hong .

  3. 在用一个上午与来到这里的人交谈后,我们访问了韩红,他是很友好往来的清朝官吏之一。

    After spending the morning in conversing with all who came , we visited the Hae Hong , one of the Mandarins who has ever been very friendly .

  4. 他对音乐市场具有其独道的判断力,当今在中国流行乐坛叱诧风云的歌手韩红就是他亲手栽培的。

    Based his own keen way to appraise tendencies of the music market , he was the main support helping Han Hong to become the super pop diva she is today .