
  • 网络Halliday;Haliday
  1. 自从1976年韩礼德夫妇(Halliday&Hasan)发表了《英语的衔接》(CohesioninEnglish)一书,语篇衔接和连贯已经成为语篇分析的重要概念。

    Since the publication of Cohesion in English in 1976 by Halliday and Hasan , textual cohesion and coherence has become an important notion in text analysis .

  2. 本论文基于韩礼德与哈桑于1976年在CohesioninEnglish中提出的衔接理论对海商法的翻译进行研究。

    The study is based on the cohesion theory proposed by Halliday and Hasan in Cohesion in English ( 1976 ) to analyze the translation of Maritime Law .

  3. 本论文拟从韩礼德的三大元功能入手,分析WhyIWantaWife的三种汉译文。

    This thesis is a systemic functional attempt to study different translated versions of J. Brady 's Why I Want a Wife .

  4. 在CohesioninEnglish书中,韩礼德和哈桑提出了五种衔接手段,分别是照应、替代、省略、连接和词汇衔接。

    In the book Cohesion in English written by Halliday and Hassan , there are five types of cohesive devices , namely reference , substitution , ellipsis , conjunction and lexical cohesion .

  5. 由于其自身理论的优越性,韩礼德(Halliday)的系统功能语言学理论在中国的研究和应用可谓是如火如荼。

    Owing to the superiority of Systemic Function Grammar ( SFG ) proposed by Halliday , the studies and the application of SFG are in full swing in China .

  6. 在韩礼德的三种元功能中,语篇功能是指语言组织语篇本身的功能,主位推进(thematicprogression)是语篇分析的重要概念,对语篇连贯发展起着重要作用。

    Among the three metafunctions by Halliday , textual function refers to the function that language organizes a text . Thematic progression is an important concept of text analysis and plays a major role in the coherent development of a text .

  7. 显性衔接体现于词汇、语法、结构等语言表层形式,表现为语篇伴有可辨认的语言形式标记(类似韩礼德和哈桑说的衔接结(cohesivetie)和希弗林说的话语标记(discoursemarkers))。

    Explicit cohesion is manifested in the surface language structures such as vocabulary , grammar and structure , and is always accompanied with linguistic markers ( similar to " cohesive tie " raised by Halliday & Hasan and " discourse markers " put forward by Schiffrin ) .

  8. Lakoff提出的概念隐喻理论和韩礼德提出的语法隐喻理论均被纳入构建主义范畴。构建主义强调隐喻普遍存在于日常生活中。

    Both the conceptual metaphor theory proposed by Lakoff and Johnson , and the grammatical metaphor theory proposed by Halliday belong to the constructivism , which emphasizes that metaphor is pervasive in our daily life .

  9. 乔姆斯基与韩礼德的语言本质观

    Contrastive Perspective on the Nature of Language by Chomsky and Halliday

  10. 交际层面主要包括韩礼德的语域这一概念。

    The communicative dimension mainly includes the register theory of Halliday .

  11. 第2章系统讨论了韩礼德的系统功能方法对语篇的解释。

    Chapter 2 discusses Halliday 's systemic-functional approach to discourse analysis .

  12. 韩礼德认为,语言是一个意义的系统。

    For Halliday , language is a " system of meanings " .

  13. 在书中,韩礼德详细阐述了名词化的分类。

    He also made the clear classification of nominalization in his book .

  14. 后者被韩礼德称为语法隐喻。

    And the latter is referred to as grammatical metaphor by Halliday .

  15. 韩礼德系统语法语言分析的模式

    Ways of Language Analysis Adopted by Systemic Linguist M.A.K. Halliday

  16. 韩礼德与马汀的语境分析模式对比研究

    A Contrastive Study between Halliday 's and Martin 's Context Analysis Models

  17. 连贯是指语义的关联,正如韩礼德所说:最好把语篇看作是语义单位,不是形式而是意义单位。隐喻是词义转移最常见的手段之一。

    Metaphor is one of the most important means of semantic shift .

  18. 韩礼德篇章功能理论与外语作文教学

    Halliday 's Textual Function Theory and Foreign Language Composition Teaching

  19. 他的系统语言学强调语言的社会功能,韩礼德把句子水平上的语法与情景特征联系在一起。

    His systemic linguistics emphasizes the social functions of language .

  20. 本文运用韩礼德总结出的科技语篇中概念隐喻的13种类型分析了六篇科技语篇。

    Thirteen types of ideational metaphor are applied to analyze six scientific texts .

  21. 韩礼德是第一位提出语法隐喻概念的语言学家,并且把名词化和概念语法隐喻结合起来研究。

    Halliday firstly proposed grammatical metaphor theory and studied nominalization with ideational metaphor .

  22. 人际意义一词来自于韩礼德系统功能语法。

    Interpersonal meaning is a term drawn from Halliday 's Systematic Functional Grammar .

  23. 韩礼德的系统功能语言学理论概观

    Overview of Halliday 's systemic - functional linguistic theory

  24. 韩礼德的观点丰富了隐喻理论,并且为隐喻研究提供了一个全新的视角。

    His study is systemic and enriches metaphorical theories .

  25. 韩礼德将衔接划分为语法衔接和词汇衔接两大类:语法手段和词汇手段。

    Halliday divides cohesion into grammatical and lexical cohesion .

  26. 韩礼德认为语域有三个变体:语场,语旨和语式。

    Halliday holds that register includes three variables : field , tenor and mode .

  27. 韩礼德和哈桑认为,衔接是指将语篇连成一个有机整体的句子之间的语义联系。他们指出,衔接通过结构衔接和非结构衔接实现。

    According to them , cohesion is created by non-structural cohesion and structural cohesion .

  28. 从叙述视角聚焦《喧哗与骚动》的语言特点从韩礼德系统功能语法考察当代英语情景喜剧《老友记》的幽默语言特点

    Linguistic Features of The Sound and the Fury from the Narrative Point of View

  29. 韩礼德系统功能语言学40年发展述评

    Systemic - functional linguistics : Forty years on

  30. 本文将韩礼德的语域理论介绍到了英汉翻译的领域中。

    In this paper , register theory is introduced into English to Chinese translation .