
  1. 路边堆积的海蛎壳气味难闻,令韩聪烦恼不已。

    Smelly oyster shells piled up alongside the roads bothered him .

  2. 当时22岁的韩聪想到自己必须做些什么。

    The 22-year-old wanted to do something about it .

  3. 韩聪曾读到一篇关于台湾、日本如何将海蛎壳转化为肥料和建筑材料的文章。

    Han read an article about how oyster shells are made into fertilizer and construction materials in Japan and Taiwan .

  4. 2010年夏天,正在厦门大学攻读海洋化学和经济学双学位的大四学生韩聪(音译)去了趟福建省的大梧村。

    In the summer of 2010 , Han Cong , a senior majoring in marine chemistry and economics at Xiamen University , went to Dawu village in Fujian province .

  5. 22岁的韩聪(音译)是一名上海外国语大学国际经济学专业的大四学生。由于在实习中的出色表现,他得到了德勤全球服务有限公司的工作机会。

    Han Cong , 22 , a senior majoring in international economics in Shanghai International Studies University , got a job offer from Deloitte Global Services Limited because of his excellent performance as an intern .