
  1. 我不可能开给你一张会遭退票的支票。

    I won 't give you a check which I know will bounce .

  2. 因为我长着一张会把小孩吓坏的脸

    because I had a face that would frighten children

  3. 你比看上去要强大,还有张会耍嘴皮子的臭嘴。

    You 're stronger than you look with a smart ass mouth to match .

  4. 我有张会说谎的脸吗?

    Do I have a face that lies ?

  5. 女人有三张会说话的嘴:一张在鼻子底下,两张在眉毛底下。

    The woman has three mouths : one is under the nose , two are under the eyebrow .

  6. 古奇:我觉得分发一些宣传单张会更有效,而且那也会更便宜。

    Gucci : I think it should be more useful to hand out some fliers which is also cheaper .

  7. 哎,这张唱片会激怒一些人的。

    Oh boy , this record 's going to raise a few hackles

  8. 这张表格会让你大致了解能力水平可以怎样评估。

    This table will give you some idea of how levels of ability can be measured

  9. 玻璃纤维填充的PP材料其参数值会略有不同,抗张强度会比较高。

    Glass filled PP will have slightly different values with higher tensile strength .

  10. 奥运会可以允许NBA球员上场,那么我们可以将一张奥运会图片列入NBA榜单里。

    If the Olympics can include NBA players , then we can include an Olympic photo in our NBA list .

  11. U2的主唱歌手博诺说,他不清楚歌迷们对这张专辑会做何反应。

    U2 lead singer Bono said he did not know how fans would react to the record .

  12. 此外,AEG正在为已经售出的近100万张演唱会门票退款,其票面价值估计在8500万美元-1.20亿美元之间。AEG给了歌迷们一个选择:保留他们已买的演唱会门票作为纪念,而不用退票。

    Additionally , the promoter is in the process of offering refunds on the nearly one million tickets it sold , whose face value was estimated at between $ 85 million and $ 120 million .

  13. 儿子回答说:「但是这张桌子会自动摆出酒菜来呢。

    " But it is a table-be-set ," replied the son .

  14. 那张沙发会占据房间太多的地方。

    That sofa would take up too much room in the flat .

  15. 这张地图会对你有很大帮助的。

    The map will be of great help to you .

  16. 你拥有哪张专辑会让你的朋友很惊讶?

    What album would your friends be surprised you own ?

  17. 有时,我们卖出一张海报会赚上几百英镑。

    Sometimes we would sell one and make a few hundred pounds .

  18. 彼得:亲手做一张卡片会花上??很多时间。

    P : Making a handmade card takes you so much time .

  19. 手头有张演唱会、派对或读书会多余的票?

    Have an extra ticket to a concert , party or book reading ?

  20. 张小姐会指引您出去的路。

    Miss Chang will show you the way out .

  21. 那这张专辑会是什麽风格?

    What does the new album sound like ?

  22. 这张照片会表明你们是怎么看待对方的。

    This picture represents how you see them .

  23. 他说,我当时不知道这张照片会有怎样的前景。

    I had no idea where it was going to go , he said .

  24. 这张画会卖到好价钱。

    This picture will fetch a good price .

  25. 我送你一张演唱会的票。

    I will buy you a concert ticket .

  26. 这张图片会展示给我们什么?

    What will this other view show us ?

  27. 这是一张必定会被长久铭记的照片。

    This is a photograph which will be remembered long after this week 's celebrations .

  28. 让我们看一下吧你有没有想过这张照片会在全国电视节目中展出

    Let 's take a look.Did you ever think that photo will be seen on national television

  29. 在牌局结束前,没有人知道谁压下的那张牌会赢。

    No one knows until the end of the game whose hidden card is the winner .

  30. 不过,尽管这张清单会很长,但却不会那么令人印象深刻。

    But while the list will be long , it will not be all that impressive .