
  1. 丹尼尔:那你一定知道申雪和赵宏博了。

    Daniel : Then you must know Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo .

  2. 赵宏博表示:我们俩都为这一刻等待了很久。

    We have been waiting a long time for this , Zhao said .

  3. 李:我也是!我特别喜欢申雪和赵宏博!

    Lee : Me too ! I like Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo so much !

  4. 赵宏博和申雪从1992年开始配对合作,在朝夕相处的训练和走遍全球的比赛中坠入爱河。

    Zhao and Shen have been skating together since 1992 , and fell in love between practices and competitions around the world .

  5. 体育和爱情,正如申雪和赵宏博在双人花样滑冰中夺得金牌所证明的那样,是密切相关的。

    Sports and love , as evidenced by Zhao Hongbo and Shen Xue 's gold medal in pairs figure skating , are closely related .

  6. 至于结婚礼金,申雪赵宏博取消了婚礼签到送红包环节,说这场盛大的婚礼已经让他们受宠若惊。

    As for gifts , Zhao and Shen have skipped the bridal registries , saying they already have their hands full with their massive wedding .

  7. 2010年9月4日,中国首对奥运会花样滑冰冠军申雪、赵宏博在首都体育馆举行了一场冰上婚典。

    China ` s first Olympic champion figure skaters Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo held an on-ice ceremony in the Capital Gymnasium on Sept 4 , 2010 .

  8. 在2007年世锦赛长节目表演结束之后,赵宏博做了一件很特别的事情,给了大家一个惊喜&他向搭档了十五年的申雪求婚了。

    After finishing their long program in 2007 World Championship , Hongbo Zhao did something special that surprised all people & Proposal to his 15-year partner Xue Shen .

  9. 有些人不同意这么大张旗鼓的公众婚礼,斥责申雪赵宏博用婚礼借机炒作赚钱,表示这种婚礼本身就是浪费钱。

    Others disagree with the public wedding , arguing Zhao and Shen are using their wedding to make money and the wedding itself wastes a lot of money .

  10. 赵宏博:我和小雪搭档了十五年了,我们一起克服了非常多的困难,在我们之间有一种真诚的长久的感情。

    Hongbo Zhao : I 've been with Little Xue for 15 years and there 's sincere and long-lasting relationship between us since we overcame together so many difficulties .

  11. 2010年温哥华冬季奥运会冠军,现任男女花样滑冰组合国家队教练赵宏博表示,这两对新的组合正在调整,准备参加冬运会。

    Zhao Hongbo , the champion at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics and now the national team coach for paired figure skating , says the two new couples are improving , and ready for the Games .

  12. 赵宏博单膝跪地,这是他们之前的表演中很少见的动作。在比赛之后,记者们了解到他其实是要向申雪求婚。

    Hongbo Zhao knelt down , which you can rarely see in ending poses in their previous programs . After the game we ( reporter ) learnt that the action he made was actually proposing to Xue Shen .

  13. 这场在北京首都体育馆举行的冰上婚礼,已经让人期盼了整整三年。早在2007年世界花滑锦标赛上赢得金牌之后,赵宏博就已经当众向申雪求婚。

    The wedding , scheduled to take place at Beijing 's Capital Gymnasium , has been an affair three years in the making . Zhao proposed to Shen after a gold medal-winning performance at the 2007 World Figure Skating Championships .