
  1. 韩庚以韩国组合SuperJunior成员的身份出道走红。

    Geng began his career with the Korean pop group Super Junior .

  2. 谢谢你分享韩庚的图片,他和始源是我在SJ里的最爱。

    Thank you for sharing the Hankyung love around He and Siwon are my SJ faves .

  3. 《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》(Transformers4:AgeofExtinction)定于明年夏天上映,其演员阵容包括华语流行歌手韩庚。

    ' Transformers 4 : Age of Extinction , ' due for release next summer , has a cast that includes Chinese Mandopop singer Han Geng .

  4. 韩庚生于1984年2月9日,以他出色的舞技闻名,也是韩国男子组合SuperJunior的中国成员和和其子团体SuperJunior-M的队长。

    Born on February 9 , 1984 , Han is well known for his excellent dance skills , and was the only Chinese member of South Korean boy-band Super Junior , and the leader of its sub-group Super Junior-M.

  5. 基范有电视剧,强仁发生了意外,希澈有SOLO,然后韩庚的事情又发生了。这让我们很头疼,你们还是解散了吧。

    Ki Bum has the soap opera , Kang In 's incident and Hee Chul 's solo , Here comes Han Geng 's incident again * oh , this is giving me a big headache , you guys better just disband .

  6. 韩庚的表现很是专业和具绅士风度。

    Han Geng carries himself as a professional and a gentleman .

  7. 韩庚是在韩国团体里的一个中国人?

    Han Kyung hes actually a chinese guy in a korean band ?

  8. 韩庚、鹿晗、陈伟霆都将参与其中。

    The show includes Han Geng , Lu Han and William Chan .

  9. 除了音乐,韩庚也出演过很多电影。

    Besides music , Han has also played roles in many films .

  10. 2009年韩庚回到中国开始独唱生涯。

    In 2009 , Han returned to China to start a solo career .

  11. 对于他的梦想和职业生涯计划,韩庚是很公开的。

    He was very open about his inspiration and his plans for his career .

  12. 韩庚接过我的电话,带着微笑看了看我的歌曲列表。我想我是合格了?

    Han Geng took my phone and scrolled through the songs with a smile .

  13. 曾经有一个非常优雅的中国青年叫韩庚,他似乎发自内心的高兴到韩国发展。

    There once was a very graceful young man by the name of Hankyung .

  14. 我永远支持韩庚!

    I always support Han Geng !

  15. 他是韩庚。

    He is Han Kyung .

  16. 除了继续他的音乐事业之外,韩庚也有意向影视圈发展。

    In addition to carrying on with his music , Han is also nurturing an ambition to break into movie .

  17. 韩庚告诉我他19岁时已来过美国,所以感觉很熟悉。

    He told me that he had been to the U.S.before ( when he was19 ) so it felt familiar to him .

  18. 在采访的过程中,韩庚无时无刻均是很有礼貌地很开放地回答每个问题,而且还很有男子气概。

    At every point during the interview , he was open with answering each question politely , and he had such a manly aura .

  19. 歌手韩庚最想要做的莫过于扔掉他的面具,把自己的真实面目展现给所有听众。

    Singer Han Geng ( or Han Kyung ) wants nothing more than to throw away his mask and show his audience his true identity .

  20. 偶像团体组合中的始元和韩庚,在周三到访中国并以被邀嘉宾身份出现在中国头等娱乐节目中!

    Siwon and Hankyung , members of the idol band Super Junior , visited China Wednesday as invited special guests on a lead Chinese entertainment show .

  21. 虽然他一句话没说就离开了韩国,韩国依旧是一个给了他爱与帮助并且塑造他成为今天的韩庚的国家。

    Even though he left Korea without a word , Korea was the country that gave him love and made him into the person he is today .

  22. 今天在网上看到关于韩庚的一个报道,我特别的喜欢他,我喜欢他并不是因为你的帅,而是你的努力和对长辈的孝心感染着我。

    Today the Internet to see a report on Han Geng , I like him special , I like him not because of your Shuai , but your efforts and the elders of Filial Piety with me .

  23. 韩庚希望他的未来也同样精彩,在此之前他要先从过去数年掌控着他演艺事业的经纪公司赢得自由,就此一举甩掉罩在脸上的面具。

    Han is hoping his future will also be splendid , after he wins his freedom from the agency that has managed his career for the past few years and after he gets to throw away the mask , once and for all .