
  1. 然而,由于岳飞、韩世忠和其他一些英雄将领的抵抗,战争并不像之前那么成功。

    However , this proved less successful due to the resistance of Yuefei , Han Shizhong and other heroes .

  2. 金军穷追宋高宗不获,由江南北撤,被南宋韩世忠部拦截在黄天荡,北撤金军险遭灭顶之灾。

    As the Jin troops had failed to capture the Song emperor despite their hot pursuit , they started withdrawing to the north . But at Huangtiandang ( s < present-day Nanjing ) the withdrawing Jin troops were held up and almost crushed by the Southern Song army led by General Han Shizhong .