
  • 网络shaogong
  1. 作为山野自然的“山南水北”,成为韩少功反思城市文明的参照物,及其心目中人类回归自然的诗意栖居。

    As a wild natural ," The south of mountain and the north of water " is a references of Han Shaogong 's thinking about urban civilization , and the poetic dwelling of humans return to natural .

  2. 结语部分主要是对韩少功小说神秘叙事的意义进行概括总结。

    The summary mainly summarizes the meanings of mysterious narrations .

  3. 第四章,也就是韩少功近期以来的小说创作分析。

    In the fourth chapter , the current creation of novels is to be analyzed .

  4. 以韩少功为代表的一批寻根作家,他们有明确的科学与理性意识,对鬼神文化持否定的立场。

    Some Root-seeking writers hold clear rational consciousness of science against ghosts and gods ' culture .

  5. 第四部分重点分析韩少功对神秘观念和神秘仪式的审美重构。

    The fourth part analyses aesthetical reconstruction to the mystical ideas and mystical ceremony in his novels .

  6. 韩少功在小说创作中不断实践着灵活、自由的创作观。

    Han Shao-gong practices continuously in the creation of the flexible , free view in fiction creation .

  7. 本文主要是以韩少功的后期小说出发点,探讨韩少功后期小说创作风格。

    This article is from Han Shao-gong late fiction , to explore the Han Shao-gong late fiction creative style .

  8. 在新形势下,人们应该怎样看待中国与西方,怎样考量市场意识形态,是韩少功十分关心的问题。

    In the new situation , how to look at China and the West and how to consider the market ideologies are his great concerns .

  9. 对于乡村,韩少功当然不是全盘肯定,而是有节制的认同,他不避讳对乡土的依恋,对城市的厌恶。

    To village , he is temperate recognition , not overall affirmation . The attachment to country and the detestation to city are not his taboo .

  10. 这些创作特点体现在作家灵活的叙事技巧,也体现作家独特的故事安排和人物设置,反映韩少功独特的小说艺术追求。

    These characteristics reflect in a flexible of narrative skills , but also reflect the arrangement of a unique figure and character set of fiction pursuit .

  11. 在中国当代文学史上,韩少功是一个有着重要地位的作家,而对文化的关注和批判则是其鲜明创作特征。

    Hanshaogong has a high place in China 's contemporary literature history and he is a writer of special characterics that is deep concerns and criticism to culture .

  12. 由于韩少功所禀有的高超的驾驭能力,其文本中的超现实的巫性想象充分,非但没有降低韩少功作品的品质,反而为他的文本涂上了一抹神秘的景致。

    Owing to his typical superb ability to control , the full witch imagination in the text helps him paint with a mysterious scenery , instead of reducing his work quality .

  13. 韩少功是中国当代文学史上著名的作家,其小说已经被翻译成英文、法文、意大利文等,在国内外都有广泛的影响。

    He is a famous writer in Modern Literature and his works has been translated into English , French , Italian and so on , which have a large influence in domestic and foreign .

  14. 除了张承志、韩少功、贾平凹、莫言这些寻根作家还在用创作继续他们的文化寻根之旅外,也还有不少作家陆续加入其中,共同探寻着寻根这个古老而又永不过时的话题。

    Except that Zhang Cheng-zhi , Han Shao-gong , Jia Ping-wa and Mo Yan all continue their cultural roots , other writers also take part and together explore the ancient but not outdated topic of root-seeking .

  15. 韩少功此时的创作风格、技巧等都已经趋向成熟,也可以说先前的创作经验都在此融合为一体,最具有代表性,也最能整体反应这一风格的,笔者认为是他的《马桥词典》。

    The writing style and techniques became mature . In other words , all his previous experiences have integrated together as a whole . The author considered the most representative work to be his " the Horse Bridge Dictionary " .

  16. 一是与普通话距离较远的方言,像粤、闽和吴语等方言区的作家,以范晓青、韩少功和何顿为例进行分析。

    One is away from the far dialect with the standard spoken Chinese , likes the writer of the Guangdong , Fujian and Wu dialect and so on , by Fan Xiao-qing , Han Shao-gong and He Dun take the example carries on the analysis .