
  1. 这部影片是由国有中国电影集团公司(ChinaFilmGroup)出品的,该公司董事长兼总经理韩三平任总导演。

    The state-owned China Film Group is producing the film , with Chairman and Chief Executive Han Sanping directing .

  2. 电影圈经常把韩三平称为中国电影教父。

    Mr Han is often referred to in film circles as the godfather of Chinese film .

  3. 韩三平还说,目前在这部电影中涵盖的内容太多。

    Han also said that this movie currently has too much material to include in a single feature .

  4. 这是导演韩三平,他对每个镜头和每个背景细节要求都非常严格。

    This is director Han Sanping , he is strict with every detail of the footage and setting .

  5. 如果韩三平想要把自己列入制片人名单中,也许卡梅隆会发现自己不太方便反对。

    If Mr Han wants a producer credit , Mr Cameron may find himself not terribly inclined to refuse .

  6. 作为该电影的总策划兼艺术总监,韩三平认为,该演员阵容将会吸引大批的电影粉丝,激励他们去在网上自行搜索更多的革命历史内容。

    Han Sanping , the chief initiator and art director , believes the cast will stimulate interest among young moviegoers and prompt them to search online for more revolutionary history .

  7. 中国电影集团首席执行官兼总制片人韩三平说,这部耗资7500万美元的影片是迄今为止中国300部电影中投资额最大的一部电影。

    The chief producer , Han Sanping , CEO of China Film Group , said that the75 million US dollar movie enjoys the highest investment of any of the300 Chinese movies he has produced .