
  1. 不过,德国研究机构中国出境游研究所(ChinaOutboundTourismResearchInstitute)的WolfgangArlt说,韩剧、韩国电影的热播也起到了拉拢游客的作用。

    But Wolfgang Arlt , of Germany 's China Outbound Tourism Research Institute , says the popularity of Korean television series and movies have also influenced travelers .

  2. 据韩国电影振兴委员会(KoreanFilmCouncil,简称Kofic)的数据显示,自7月17日在韩国上映以来,《大明猩》已经取得了约84亿韩圆(约合人民币4600万元)的票房。

    Since opening in South Korea on July 17 , the film has pulled in about 8.4 billion won ( $ 7.6 million ) , according to the Korean Film Council , known as Kofic .

  3. 一位驻上海的知名韩国电影研究人ZhouJianwei表示,它们不清楚在哪里可以找到资金,许多公司正试图通过参加本地的电影节来打入本地市场。

    They don 't know where to find money here , and many are trying to enter the local market by joining local film festivals , ' said Zhou Jianwei , a prominent researcher on Korean film based in Shanghai .

  4. 韩国电影美学的嬗变&从文学电影到艺术电影

    Evolving Aesthetics in Korean Cinema : From Literary to Art Films

  5. 不过,票房大卖的韩国电影《暗杀》是个例外。

    However , South Korean box office hit Assassination offers a welcome alternative .

  6. 追求梦想!《亚洲名人聊天室》专访韩国电影明星张东健。

    Chasing a Dream.Talk Asia exclusive interview with Korean film star Jang Dong-Gun .

  7. 韩国电影与14大导

    14 of the directors influencing the Korean movie

  8. 然而,韩国电影的中文字幕翻译却存在着较多问题。

    However , there are some problems with the Chinese subtitles for Korean film .

  9. 你为什么会喜欢看韩国电影呢?

    Why do you like South Korea movies ?

  10. 一衣带水两岸同芳&论韩国电影与中国古典美学的渊源

    Korean Film and Classical Aesthetics of China

  11. 鉴于我国电影产业立法、法律制度方面之不足,本部分着重介绍美国及韩国电影产业的立法及相关制度的构建。

    This part focuses on the legislation of film industry in America and South Korea .

  12. 韩国电影业的风险投资

    Venture Capital for Korean Movie Industry INVEST

  13. 韩国电影文化之寻

    ROK Film : A Search of Culture

  14. 韩国电影业建立在本国伤痕累累的历史上。

    South Korea 's movies were built on the stories of the country 's scarred history .

  15. 韩国电影简史

    A Short History of Korean Film

  16. 在韩国电影中,有五种类型无论在数量还是在影响力上都足以代表韩国电影。

    There are five genre movies which can representeds Korea movie whether in quantity or in quality .

  17. 而从整体上来看,韩国电影类型中的杂糅特征、民族特征等是其取得成功的关键。

    Entirety , it is farraginous and national character that made the Korea movie come to the top .

  18. 韩国电影异军突起,如同韩国美女一样令人瞩目。

    Nowadays the film industry of the Republic of Korea is attracting worldwide attention , together with its beautiful women .

  19. 你和许多人一样对韩国电影产业的现状感到忧虑吗?

    Are you concerned about the current state of the film industry in South Korea , as so many others are ?

  20. 对于在此背景下,引入中国并广为流行的部分韩国电影与电视剧的研究,也比较匮乏。

    The study of a part of movies and TV play series of Korea that introduced to China in the background is absent .

  21. 通过对美国和韩国电影产业发展模式的比较,提炼电影产业发展的基本规律和普遍经验。

    Through the comparison of the American and the South Korean film industries , some basic rules and common experience can be summoned .

  22. 在这个项目中,我要强调的特殊性当代韩国电影的重点放在商业驱动电影和艺术电影。

    In this project , I underscore the specificities of contemporary Korean cinema by focusing on both commercially driven films and art cinema .

  23. 这边厢,韩国电影人开始探讨过去的禁忌题材;另一边厢,一条法律让这些电影有机会争取到观众。

    While South Korean filmmakers were exploring once forbidden topics , another law gave these films a fighting chance of reaching an audience .

  24. 韩国电影和音乐风靡整个亚洲,促使韩国正把自己定位为整形手术的中心。

    Propelled by the popularity of its films and music across Asia , Korea is positioning itself as a centre for plastic surgery .

  25. 此外,韩国电影《内在美》也即将开拍中国版,并计划在未来一年内开始制作。

    The Beauty Inside , another film adapted from a South Korean hit , is also scheduled to enter production in a year or so .

  26. 今年的影片中包括来自德国、法国和印度的电影,但是和过去一样,美国与韩国电影的缺席令人瞩目。

    Germany , France and India were represented , but as in the past , films from the United States and South Korea were conspicuously absent .

  27. 照理说,我应该有大把的机会去釜山或者其他韩国电影节,但确实没有过。

    Normally , I should have had plenty of chances to go to Pusan or other Korean film festivals , but it hasn 't been that way .

  28. 法国的“无福之地”夺得最佳摄影奖,韩国电影“电影就是电影”荣获最佳音乐奖。

    France 's " Nowhere Promised Land " clinched best cinematography and the South Korean drama " Rough Cut " was honored for the best music score .

  29. 其实不止是这段戏,韩国电影总体上都是这样,人物有种不贯见于其他国家影片的强烈感情。

    Well not just that scene , but Korean cinema in general . There 's an intensity in the characters not consistently seen in any other national cinema .

  30. 韩国电影在亚洲异军突起,韩流也不断涌入中国市场,日益显出其强劲的趋势。

    Korean Film sudden appearance of a new force in Asian film , " Hanliu " influx of the Chinese market has been increasingly shown its strong trend .