
  • 网络Pandaren
  1. 大部分熊猫人并没有如此嗜酒。

    Most Pandaren are not fond of strong drinks .

  2. 熊猫人社会已与其起源有所不同。

    Pandaren society has changed from its origins .

  3. 熊猫人是世间一流的品酒师,也是无与伦比的勇敢战士。

    They are peerless warriors and world class drinkers all in one !

  4. 当一个熊猫人卧倒至四肢,他的速度极大提升。

    When a pandaren drops down to all fours , his speed increases greatly .

  5. 有一种被称为酿酒师的熊猫人流浪武士,在熊猫人社会中是很受尊敬的。

    A caste of wandering pandaren warriors called Brewmasters is highly respected in their culture .

  6. 可是被攻击的话,微笑的酿酒大师会运用熊猫人的敏捷和凶猛!

    However , if attacked , the laughing brewmasters bring all of their pandaren agility and ferocity to bear !

  7. 这些强大的熊猫人勇士监管着整个帝国的军队,并且以侍奉封建领主般的忠诚服务于他们的人民。

    These mighty pandaren warriors oversee the armies of their empire and serve as feudal lords to the general population .

  8. 奇怪的是,酒仙是熊猫人社会的另类,全心爱着麦酒和烈酒。

    Oddly , the Brewmaster is sort of an oddity in Pandaren society , given his love for ale and spirits .

  9. 这些强大的熊猫人酿造师来自神秘的熊猫人帝国,他们周游世界收集具有异国情调的各种啤酒,并找寻最精妙的酿酒技术。

    Hailing from the secretive Pandaren Empire , the mighty brewmasters travel the world in search of exotic ales and the finest brewed spirits .

  10. 整体而言,熊猫人倾向使用他们手工制作的武器,感觉他们的自然武器已是远古时代。

    In general , pandaren prefer to use the weapons they craft , feeling that their natural weapons hearken back to a primal time .

  11. 依靠着战争舞者所统领的军队,熊猫人在卡里莫多荒凉贫瘠的岩爪域建立了一个属于他们自己的小帝国。

    With the wardancers leading their armies , the pandaren carved out a small empire for themselves in the Stonetalon region of Kalimdor 's desolate Barrens .

  12. 及时最底层的熊猫人,使用自身的尖牙以及短而粗但针似的爪子,也有能力保卫自己。

    Even the lowliest pandaren is capable of defending himself , using the fangs and stubby but needle-like claws that are a natural part of his body .

  13. 现在卡里莫多又一次被战争的阴霾所吞没,强大的熊猫人不得不为了保护他们神圣的领土,也为了确保他们古老种族的延续而再次举剑。

    Now that war has engulfed Kalimdor once again , the mighty pandaren have come forth to protect their sacred lands and ensure their ancient race 's survival .

  14. 这些和蔼可亲的战士们很少找别人麻烦,相反的,为了那些敢于喝他们酿造的酒的人们,熊猫人更喜欢把自己的精力放到调制的可口的新饮料上。

    These affable warriors rarely seek out danger or trouble , preferring instead to spend their time concocting new and tasty beverages for any brave enough to imbibe them .

  15. 熊猫人在内心里是和平主义的种族,重视艺术,如作诗和唱歌,虽然出于必要它们有一支战士队伍。

    Pandaren are at heart a pacifist race , emphasizing the fine arts such as poetry and singing , although out of necessity they do have a warrior sect .

  16. 和联盟或者部落交友的熊猫人会帮助他的朋友抵抗任何敌人,包括敌对的阵营。

    Pandaren who befriend either Horde or Alliance races will defend their companions against whatever threat , even members of the opposing side , but as a society they are totally neutral .

  17. 曾经熊猫人是一个强力的帝国,与他们的暗夜精灵同盟傲然并肩,现在他们只是淳朴的人民,但求和平及安全的家。

    Where once the pandaren were a mighty empire , standing proud beside their night elf allies , now they are a simple people who want only peace and a safe home .

  18. 然而当暗夜精灵全族对魔法力量的沉溺使其趋于疯狂的边缘时,温和的熊猫人决定断绝和暗夜精灵的联系并永远离开了他们。

    However , as the night elves'racial obsession with the forces of magic drove them to the brink of madness , the gentle pandaren decided to sever their ties and leave the night elves behind forever .

  19. 熊猫对人很友好,但他们很害羞,而且有点懒。

    Pandas are friendly to people , but they are very shy and kind of lazy .

  20. 如果爱浜生出了幼崽,幼崽的早期生活,从第一声啼哭到长出典型的黑白色皮毛,都本应该在网上向中国和全世界的喜欢熊猫的人直播。

    The birth of Ai Hin 's supposed cub and its progress in its early days , from its first cries to acquiring its distinctive black-and-white fur , were due to be broadcast online to panda lovers in China and worldwide .

  21. 虽然龙和中国的渊源已有数千年之久,大熊猫融入中国人的心灵却是近几年的事。

    Although dragons have been associated with China for thousands of years , the panda 's inclusion into the Chinese psyche is far more recent .

  22. 如果中国不明白为何瑞士人民对他们吃圣伯纳犬感到十分不爽的话,我不禁要问他们同样的问题:如果瑞士人吃中国的熊猫,中国人又作何感想呢?

    If a Chinese cannot understand why Swiss people get so upset that they are eating St Bernards , I would ask that same question : If Swiss people eat China 's panda , how would Chinese feel ?

  23. 不过我还是希望讨论《功夫熊猫》的年轻人越多越好。

    For Kung Fu Panda , I am expecting more young people to come and join in .

  24. 这可能是它们数量稀少的原因;熊猫已被列人濒危动物的所有官方保护名单之中。

    This may account for their scarcity ; these pandas are on all official lists of endangered animals .

  25. 虽然在动物园中熊猫总是最吸引人的,但是这种可爱的动物通常不会通过玩弄乐器来娱乐人们。

    While pandas are often the main attractionat zoos , the adorable animals do not usually attempt to entertain visitors byplaying a musical instrument .

  26. 卧龙自然保护区是世界上最大的以保护大熊猫为主题的人与生物圈保护网成员单位,是我国生物多样性保护的关键地区,也是开展生态系统就地保护的重要基地。

    WoLong nature reserve is the largest ur of U.N. " man and the biosphere program of protect net " for pan < conservation in the world .

  27. 问:中国大多数观众都非常喜欢《功夫熊猫》,有人也会心底有想法:为中国人拍出这么好的动画片?

    When Chinese audience watch Kung Fu Panda , they obviously enjoy it very much , but some of them also have a little thought : why Chinese can not make such a wonderful animated film ourselves ?

  28. 秦岭北麓惟一的大熊猫分布区&周至保护区的大熊猫少为人知,论述了保护区内竹子的种类、生境、分布及大熊猫的数量、生境和分布。

    It is discussed that in detail for bamboo ′ s species , Habitat and distribution , and also for the number , habitat and distribution of giant panda .