
biàn zòu
  • variation;musical variations
变奏 [biàn zòu]
  • (1) [variation]∶带有节奏、旋律、和声或音调的修饰或变调的主题或旋律的再现

  • (2) [musical variations]∶ 音乐的基本技巧之一,使一段音乐的旋律、和声、节奏、对位等获得变化

变奏[biàn zòu]
  1. 自由与控制:俄罗斯近代高等教育的双重变奏

    Freedom and control : the dual variation of Russia higher education

  2. 百年中国电影商业美学的主题变奏

    The Variation of the Commercial Aesthetics in the Centurial Chinese Films

  3. 此前,林隽永参演过乔治·巴兰钦(GeorgeBalanchine)版的《主题与变奏》(ThemesandVariations),也出现在上周日结束巡演的一部杰罗姆·罗宾斯(JeromeRobbins)作品中。

    He has already danced in George Balanchine 's " Themes and Variations , " plus a work by Jerome Robbins , in a run that ended on Sunday .

  4. 高校健美操运用变奏训练法的实验研究

    Research of variation training in the college teaching of aerobic exercises

  5. 主流化与边缘化的双重变奏

    The Dual Change of Main Current News and Edge News

  6. 审美与启蒙的双重变奏季节变化显著,主要显示双峰型特征。

    Its seasonal variation with double peaks is quite clear .

  7. 中国政治发展:理论与实践的双重变奏

    Political development in China : duet-variation of theory and practice

  8. 这点尤其反映在这首钢琴杰作《巴赫主题变奏与赋格》中。

    This is particularly true of the'Bach'Variations , Reger 's piano masterpiece .

  9. 一种两拍的有节奏的变奏古巴民间舞蹈。

    A rhythmic syncopated Cuban folk dance in duple time .

  10. 人伦之和的主调与变奏&近年中国都市家庭伦理电视剧的审美文化批评

    On the Recent Chinese TV Plays of the Family Ethic

  11. 俄苏文化与蒋光慈革命叙述的二重变奏

    Russian Culture and the Duet Variation of JIANG Guang-ci 's Revolutionary Narration

  12. 当代审美文化的主体悖论和主体变奏

    The Paradox and Variation of Contemporary Aesthetic Culture Subject

  13. 昆德拉在小说中直接为其变奏主题注解。

    In this novel Kundera made explanatory notes on its variational themes directly .

  14. 悲喜的双重变奏&论夏天敏的乡土小说

    Dual Variation of Sorrows and Joys in Xia Tian-min 's Native Soil Novel

  15. 西方现代新闻传播中传者与受者的主体变奏

    The Subjects Variation between the Disseminator and Acceptor in West Modern News Communication

  16. 理性与非理性的变奏:西方建筑思潮与中国建筑文化

    Variation for Rationality and Irrationality : Western Architectural Thought and Chinese Architectural Culture

  17. 政治·经济·文化&中国城市发展动力的三重变奏

    Politic , Economy and Culture : The Triple Impetus Variation of Chinese Urban Development

  18. 中心与边缘:九江近代转型的双重变奏(1858&1938)

    Center and Verge : Diplex Variation of Jiujiang 's Modern Switchover ( 1858-1938 )

  19. 理性与生活的变奏&胡塞尔生活世界理论的当代意义

    The Variation of Reason and Life & The Significance of Husserl 's Life-world Theory

  20. 论荒诞主题在中国新潮小说中的发展变奏

    The Absurd Subject in Contemporary Chinese Avant-garde Novel

  21. 民族化与世界化相互变奏:现代中国文学的制导性传统(上)

    Interaction between Nationalization and Cosmopolitanization : The Guiding Tradition in Modern Chinese Literature (ⅰ);

  22. 文体的复调与变奏&对米兰·昆德拉复调小说的一种解读

    Milan Kundera and the Style of Polyphonic Fiction

  23. 传承与变奏&《田园的忧郁》与《沉沦》之比较

    Inheritance and Variation & The comparison between Degradation and The melancholy of the countryside

  24. 类型的变奏舞蹈&杜琪峰电影30年的上下求索

    The Variation Dance of Typehood : An Exploration of Johnnie 's 30 Years Films

  25. 力与情感的变奏&中国二十世纪20年代浪漫主义思潮与个体意识

    Variation of Power and Emotion & Romanticism in 1920s China and the Individual Consciousness

  26. 从改革的三次争论看政府与市场的关系变奏

    Variation of Relations between Government and Market from the Perspective of Three Debates on Reform

  27. 旋律结构的微变奏与演唱处理的微变化&关于拉威尔《练声曲》的创作与演唱

    The Mini-variation Of The Melody Structure And the Mini-change Of the Singing In Ravel Vocalise

  28. 传统本位的现代变奏&兼论金门历史文化对李锡奇现代画创作的影响

    The Modern Variation of the Traditional Standard

  29. 绘画艺术中的系列作品是艺术家围绕特定的题材而创作的在形式上相关的一批作品,它接近于音乐中的变奏,使内心世界的充分表达成为可能。

    Art series are works which have relative forms and focus on one particular subject .

  30. 走向和谐:人与自然的主题变奏&试论当代文学中的环境文学

    Approaching Harmony : The Variation of The Theme about the Relationship between Nature and Man