
  1. 从变态心理学到音乐理论,什么课程都有。

    There is everything from Abnormal Psychology to Music Theory .

  2. 变态心理学是心理学的一个分支学科。

    Abnormal Psychology is a branch of psychology .

  3. 这些课程包括变态心理学、介绍咨询服务、音乐治疗方法等。

    These courses may include abnormal psychology , introduction to counseling , music therapy methods , etc.

  4. 想想之前提到的莫泽博士在《变态心理学杂志》上发表的研究中用过的图片。

    Take the graphic image Moser used in his Journal of Abnormal Psychology study , described earlier .

  5. 变态心理学是研究有机体的变态行为和功能的心理学分支。

    Abnormal psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the abnormal behaviour and functioning of organism .

  6. 在这一领域的认证课程有生理学、变态心理学、医疗术语、患者评估、活动策划、职业道德培训,一集辅助设备的使用教学。

    Courses for certification in this field include physiology , abnormal psychology , medical terminology , patient assessment , activity planning , professional ethics , and the use of assistive devices .