
  • 网络Li Zixun;Lee Tzu-hsun
  1. 这对于培养年轻人的多样性思维是个优势。李子勋说。

    It is an advantage in cultivating diverse thoughts among young people , said Li .

  2. 李子勋说,社交活动也需要花费时间和精力。

    Socializing also requires time and energy .

  3. 但李子勋认为学生在学校里独立生活并不一定是件坏事。

    But Li considers it is not always a bad thing for students to live independently in campus .

  4. 来自北京的心理学家李子勋表示,学生身上的繁重压力使得校园里人际关系日益疏远。

    According to psychologist Li Zixun from Beijing , heavy pressure on students is fueling the estrangement on campus .

  5. 北京中日友好医院心理医生李子勋表示,学生们上网花费的时间越多,对身边人的关注就越少。

    The more time students spent on the Internet , the less they paid attention to those around them , said Li Zixun , of the psychology department of Beijing-based China-Japan Friendship Hospital .