
  • Li Chun;【人名】Chun Li
  1. 这座由李春设计的石桥被公认为世界上最早的一座“空撞券桥”。

    The bridge designed by Li Chun was regarded as the earliest bridge in the world .

  2. 由北京“古脊椎动物与古人类研究所”的李春在云南省出土的新化石,提供了独特齿须龙颅骨的详图。

    New fossils unearthed in China 's YunnanProvince by Chun Li of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology andPaleoanthropology in Beijing give a detailed picture of the animal 's skull .

  3. 李英心是个单亲妈妈,独力带著8岁的女儿李春(徐信爱),还要照顾患有痴呆症的祖父及供弟弟上学。

    Young-shin is an unmarried mother who rose up her8 years old daughter , Lee Bom ( Suh Shin-ae ), supporting her brother Õ s tuition fee and taking care of her dementia grandfather all by her own .