
  • 网络Li Yundi;La campanella
  1. 李云迪,一个著名的中国钢琴家总是喜欢音乐。

    Li Yundi , a well-known Chinese pianist , always loved music .

  2. 目前李云迪方面还没有做出回应。

    Until now , there is not reply from Yundi li 's side .

  3. 李云迪参加了在波兰华沙举行的第十四届肖邦国际比赛。

    Li Yundi took part in the14th Chopin International Competition in Warsaw , Poland .

  4. 李云迪在四岁时开始学手风琴。

    Li Yundi the accordion the four .

  5. 新浪娱乐用《年轻》《王子》《红酒》三章和大家一同解读李云迪的王子归来。

    Sina use Young , Prince and Wine three chapters to interpret The Return of The Prince .

  6. 一般说,我只听李云迪的版本,它最靠近我的灵魂。

    Generally I only listen to Yundi Li 's version , which is the most adjacent to my soul .

  7. 试想一下,郎朗,李云迪他们演出完回到家还要继续音乐创作?

    Can you imagine if Langlang or Liyundi will like Liszt when he finished a concert and continue to write music works ?

  8. 俄罗斯主办方称,李云迪音乐会是近几年来俄罗斯演出中最火爆和最成功的音乐会。

    The Russian sponsor says that Li 's piano convert is the hottest , as well as the most successful one in these years .

  9. 李云迪的演奏曲目是肖邦和李斯特这两位他的演奏受到高度赞誉的作曲家作品,也是浪漫主义时期协奏曲中最耳熟能详的两首。

    Yundi Li plays the repertoire for which he is so highly acclaimed ? Chopin and liszt ? With recordings of the two most popular works from romantic Concerto repertoire .

  10. 一般这类古典艺术的演出,观众在演出的当天买票即可,但李云迪的音乐会门票几周前就销售一空。

    Normally , you can simply buy the ticket of ordinary classical art performance on the day of its show , but Li 's were already sold out several weeks before his concert started .

  11. 我们只能希望,他们以及年轻的钢琴天才们能够得到更好的呵护,而不是象李云迪这样被选用、然后又很快被抛弃。

    We can only hope that they , as well as younger , deserving talents , will be nurtured , instead of being picked up and discarded as impatiently as Yundi Li has been .