
  • 网络Psychology books
  1. 我读过一些心理学书籍和我们自己的古老文学,但是这并没有将我点燃,所以现在我来问你,尽管可能对我来说已经太晚了。

    I have read some of the psychological books and our own ancient literature but it doesn 't set me on fire , so now I have come to you , though perhaps it may be too late for me .

  2. 我喜欢阅读名人传记,实用心理学等书籍。

    I like reading biographies of famous people , books about functional psychology and such like .

  3. 她读的是一些关于农村脱贫以及儿童心理学方面的书籍。

    She read up on poverty alleviation in rural areas and child psychology .

  4. 1986年,乔治·达德利和香农·古德森就撰写过一本名为《排斥电话销售心理学》的书籍。

    George Dudley and Shannon Goodson wrote The Psychology of Sales Call Reluctance in 1986 .

  5. 为完成论文,阅读了有关教育学、心理学的相关书籍,了解不同专家和研究者对健全人格的不同解读。

    To complete the paper , read about the education , psychology-related books , understand the different experts and researchers have different interpretations of the healthy personality .

  6. 通过基于设计心理学的幼儿书籍设计研究,希望对现在的书籍设计实践提供更全面的帮助与提高。

    Through based on the design psychology baby books design research , hoped provides a more comprehensive help and the enhancement to the present books design practice .

  7. 在此期间,我阅读了大量的教育学、心理学方面的书籍,教学理念得到了更新,站在了更高的位置上来驾驭教育教学工作。

    During this period , I read a lot of books on pedagogy and psychology . As a result , I have obtained new teaching concepts , which enables me to stand on a higher position to manage the work of teaching .