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  • pericardium
  1. 然而,有时,这些电线的位置可能移到了,它可能通过心肌进入了心囊,胸壁、或隔膜。

    Sometimes , though , a lead can move out of position and poke through the heart muscle and into the sac around the heart ( the pericardium ), the chest wall , or the diaphragm .

  2. 电解质浓度改变对心磷脂囊管结构稳定性的影响肾移植术后稳定期患者CsA剂量/浓度个体差异研究

    Study on the differences of cyclosporin , s dosage and concentration between individuals in stable phases after renal transplantation

  3. 我们用一颗清净觉悟的如莲花一般的心来囊收和包容这个世界。

    We need to tolerate this world with a peaceful , enlightened and lotus-like heart .

  4. 方法羟基磷灰石义眼台植入术后结膜囊狭窄者36例36(眼),行同种异体心包膜移植结膜囊成形术,术后随访观察6~18月,平均11月。

    Methods 36 eyes ( 36 cases ) after hydroxyapatite orbital implants with narrow of conjunctival sac were treated by preserved human pericardium to repair the conjunctival sac and were followed up for 6 ~ 18 months ( averaged 11 months ) .