
  • 网络Psychological need;mental need
  1. 人的最高层次的心理需要是尊重和自我实现。

    The highest levels of psychological need for respect and self realization .

  2. 自我实现是人的一种高层次心理需要和普遍追求。

    Self Actualization is a universal motive and psychological need in higher level .

  3. 在青少年人格发展理论研究的新进展中,引人注目的有两个重要理论模型:Blatt的人际关系与自我定义模型以及Deci和Ryan提出的心理需要与动机模型。

    Two major models of adolescence personality development have recently been proposed . One is Blatt ′ s interpersonal relatedness and self-definition model , the other is psychological needs and motivation model proposed by Deci and Ryan .

  4. 本文在自我决定理论的框架下,引入被SDT研究者普遍接受的基本心理需要这一心理机制,来探讨目标内容与主观幸福感之间的关系及其中介机制。

    Under the framework of self-determination theory , this study introduced the basic psychological needs theory that is generally accepted by the SDT researchers as the psychological mechanism , to explore the relationship , especially the intermediary mechanism between the goal content and subjective well-being .

  5. 睡眠是机体的基本生理和心理需要。

    Sleep is the physiologic and psychologic need for the body .

  6. 满足病人心理需要,解除心理压力;

    To satisfy patients ' mental need and to reduce mental stress ;

  7. 浅谈癌症病人的心理需要与护理对策

    Talking About the Psychological Demand of Cancer Patients and Their Nursing Countermeasures

  8. 体育课学生的心理需要

    About the Students ' Mental Need in PE Class

  9. 陆军官兵心理需要的分析

    Analysis of psychological needs by army officers and soldiers

  10. 马斯洛心理需要理论在高中作文教学中的应用

    Maslow 's Theory of the Psychological Needs of Writing in High School Teaching

  11. 论文学阅读中的审美心理需要

    The Needs of Aesthetic Mind in Reading of Literature

  12. 克服恐惧心理需要勇气。

    It takes courage to confront your fears .

  13. 对职业病病人心理需要的探讨

    Discussion on psychologic demand for occupational disease patients

  14. 对健美专项课学生心理需要的研究分析

    Research and analysis on the mental needs of students attending special course of bodybuilding

  15. 职业教育探析在职职业中专生168例心理需要调查分析

    The investigation of psychic needs in 168 students of secondary vocational at their posts school

  16. 三是受自身心理需要和价值追求不能充分满足的影响;

    Third , they are influenced by their own psychological needs and dissatisfaction in value-seeking ;

  17. 从心理需要谈读者服务

    On Readers Service from Psychological Needs

  18. 烟不是一种生理需要,烟是一种心理需要。

    The smoke is not one physiological needs , the smoke is one kind of psychological need .

  19. 人类的普通心理需要和生存需要是非规约间接否定言语行为在两种文化中存在共性的根源。

    The root causes of the similarities are common mental need and survival need of human beings .

  20. 心理需要与语码转换现象

    Psychological Needs and Code-switching

  21. 契合了受众渐渐对传统广告产生免疫,转而追求新广告形式的心理需要。

    With the experience economy era gradually to traditional advertising audience immunity to pursue new advertising form of psychological need .

  22. 结论当前护生心理需要具有鲜明的时代和年龄特征,其主流是好的。

    Conclusion Present psychological requirements of nursing students have distinctive characteristics of era and age , but remain unreasonable phenomena .

  23. 外在动机内化的程度是基本心理需要得到支持程度的函数。

    The degree of external motivation internalization is function on the basic psychology which needs to obtain the degree of support .

  24. 利用结构方程的探索性功能进一步探讨具体的组织情境因素产生影响的路径,结果发现不同的组织情境因素以满足不同类型的心理需要为特征;

    We further explored the path of each situational factors , and found different factors are characteristics with different psychological needs ;

  25. 合作性原则等等,并提出了以下培养措施:在数学课堂教学中,教师要善于观察、揣测,了解学生的心理需要,并满足他们的这些心理需要;

    This paper put forward the following measures : teachers should observe and understand the students ' psychological need when teaching mathematics ;

  26. 信仰的心理学涵义应从三个方面进行分析,即心理需要、心理过程和人格结构。

    The present article attempts to analyze psychological implication of belief from three aspects mental demand , mental processes and personality construction .

  27. 教师行为表现不同,则其所执教班级内的学生对班级气氛、学习需要和心理需要三方面的感受存在显著差异。教师表现与班级气氛有显著的正相关关系存在。

    Different teacher performance makes the students in his class feel different in class climate , learner needs and psychological needs significantly .

  28. 临沂市高、中级科技人员心理需要现况调查

    Prevalence survey on the psychological need status in personnel of senior and middle academic rank in science and technology in Linyi city

  29. 邪马台国地理位置与卑弥呼身份的定义,这之间的差别都反映出必须处理与中国关系的心理需要。

    The difference of Yamata'location and of Himiko'role might reflect some psychologically needs , which must deal with the relationship with China .

  30. 目的:探讨肝硬化住院病人心理需要特点,为整体护理的实施提供理论依据。

    Objective : To study the character of the psychological needs of hepatocirrhosis inpatients , and providing theoretical foundation for holistic nursing .