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  • 网络mood;mood state;state of mind
  1. 使用心理健康诊断测验(MHT)和心境状态量表(POMS)等研究工具,通过实验比较的方法,旨在研究民间传统体育锻炼与心理健康之间的关系。

    In the study , the Mental Health Test ( MHT ) and the Profile of Mood State ( POMS ) are used to research the psychological effects of Chinese folk exercise relation with mental health through the method of experimental control .

  2. 国有企业职工的压力与心境状态调查

    An Investigation of Stress and Mood State of Employees in State-Owned Enterprise

  3. 本研究制定并评估了修订心境状态量表(POMS)的有效性。

    Th research was to develop and validate a revised version of the profile of mood state ( POMS ) monitoring exercise-induced fatigue .

  4. 为评定修订心境状态量表(POMS-R)的信度和效度,并试图找出提示过度训练(OT)的参考值。

    The objective of the paper is to evaluate the revised profile of mood state ( POMS-R ) and try to find the cutoff point score of POMS-R for monitoring overtraining ( OT ) .

  5. 本研究利用《简式心境状态剖面图》(POMS)中国修订版和《运动力量等级量表3》(PARS3),对上海市大中学生的心理健康及其与体育锻炼的关系进行了考察。

    With the Abbreviated Profile of Mood States ( POMS ) revised in China , and the Physical Activity Rank Scale 3 ( PARS 3 ), this study examined college and middle school students ' mental health and its relationship with physical exercises .

  6. 针对特定的考试应激,使用心境状态量表(POMS)和锻炼感觉量表(EFI),通过实验比较的方法,研究体育锻炼作为应对策略降低应激反应的效果。

    In this paper , the author adopts the Exercise Induced Feeling Inventory ( EFI ) and the Profile of Mood State ( POMS ) as the instrument to examine the effects of physical activity as a coping means to reduce examination stress reaction .

  7. 不同性别的运动员的心境状态有显著性差异;

    There is significant difference in mental state for different gender .

  8. 不同体育项目对大学生心境状态的影响

    The effects of different categories exercises on college students mood states

  9. 心境状态监测运动性疲劳的有效性研究

    A Research on Validity of Mood State Monitoring Exercise-induced Fatigue

  10. 大学篮球教练员赛前心境状态及影响因素研究

    Research on Mental Situation Pre-competition and Influencing Factors among College Basketball Coaches

  11. 围生期心境状态改变及相关因素的探讨

    The Exploration of Perinatal Psychological Status and Its Related Factors

  12. 任何心境状态的改变都是由生物学、社会心理学因素综合作用的结果。

    Mood changes are connected with biological and psychosocial factors .

  13. 东方传统体育锻炼对心境状态及心理健康的影响

    Effects of East Traditional Sport on State of Mind and Mental Health

  14. 大学毕业班学生心境状态的纵向研究

    A Longitudinal Study of Mood States among College Seniors

  15. 运动员赛前心境状态及其影响因素研究

    Research on Athlete Mental State and Influence Factors Pre-competition

  16. 组别不同的大学毕业班学生在应激性事件及心境状态上均有所差异。

    Different groups of college seniors showed significant differences in stressful events and mood states .

  17. 结果:不同群体的国有企业职工压力和心境状态得分不同。

    Results : Employees of different groups had different scores of stress and mood states .

  18. 城市居民心境状态的调查研究

    Investigation on the Moods of City Citizens

  19. 优秀女子柔道运动员人格特征与赛前心境状态、焦虑之间的相关研究

    Relationship between Excellent Female Judoka 's Personality and Mood Station , Anxiety before the Race

  20. 心境状态量表监测运动疲劳的评价研究

    Evaluation of POMS-R for Monitoring Overtraining

  21. 不同目标设置对男大学生篮球个人技术和心境状态的影响

    On Influence of Different Goal Setting on Individual Basketball Techniques and Mood Status for Male Undergraduates

  22. 中国民间传统体育锻炼对心境状态的影响及其与心理健康的关系

    Effects of Chinese Traditional Folk Exercise Training on State of Mind and Its Relation with Mental Health

  23. 女足运动员赛前训练及比赛后免疫机能和心境状态变化的研究

    Study on Alterations of Immunological Status , Mood States after Training Session and Tournament in Women 's Soccer Players

  24. 女子足球运动员赛前训练及比赛后血清免疫抑制因子与心境状态的变化及其相关关系

    The Change and Correlative Relationship between Immune Suppression Factor and Mood States Pre-competition Training and after Competition of Woman Soccer Players

  25. 冥想训练对美国中学游泳选手训练后的焦虑、心境状态及心率恢复的影响

    The Effects of Meditation Training on Post Workout Anxiety , Mood State , and Heart Rate Recovery of US High School Swimmers

  26. 结果表明:少数民族传统体育锻炼有利于增进心理健康,改善心境状态。

    Such results have showed : Our minorities ' traditional sport can enhance mental health , and improve the state of mind .

  27. 团体辅导使养老院老人们对健康的担心显著降低,心境状态提高,焦虑程度显著降低。

    Group counseling to nursing homes and old people worried about the health of a significant reduction , mood state improved significantly reduce anxiety .

  28. 简式心境状态剖面图包括紧张、愤怒、疲劳、抑郁、精力、慌乱和与自尊有关的情绪7个分量表。

    POMS-RC included 7 subscales , they were tension , anger , fatigue , depression , vigor , confusion and emotion related with self-esteem .

  29. 实验结果表明,采用田径娱乐化教学方法能够改善学生心境状态,提高运动能力。

    The results indicate that the athletic recreational teaching method can improve the mood state and develop sports ability of junior middle school students .

  30. 女性考前心境状态较男性差(P<0.05);

    The pre-examination mental state of the female examinees for physical education specialty was inferior to that of the male examinees ( P < 0.05 );