
qíng jìng
  • situation;circumstances
情境 [qíng jìng]
  • (1) [situation]∶在一定时间内各种情况的相对的或结合的境况

  • (2) [circumstances]∶情景;境地

情境[qíng jìng]
  1. 语境这个概念最早是由波兰人类学家Malinowski提出,将其定义为语言使用的环境或情境,是一种与语言运用相关的现象。

    Malinowski , a Polish anthropologist , first brought forward context as a kind of linguistic phenomenon or phenomenon related to the use of language . He defines context as the situations or circumstances of language use that plays an important role in language application .

  2. 规定情境是演员组织舞台行动的惟一依据

    Compulsory Circumstances are the Only Bases of Actors ' Stage Actions

  3. 征税基本上是不受欢迎的,在一定情境中才勉强为人接受。

    Taxation is not popular in principle , merely acceptable in context

  4. 情境式亲密(situationalintimacy)指因彼此临近或同处于一个环境而引发的亲密感,与爱或其它深层次联系无关。

    Situational intimacy1 refers to intimate feelings that are generated by proximity2 or a shared situation instead of love or some other deep connection .

  5. 教师的角色宜视教学情境脉络做弹性及多元的转换

    Science teacher 's role should change elastically and multiply depending on the instruction context .

  6. 我和那个女孩之间只是情境式亲密而已,我们俩都是一起网上诈骗案的受害者。

    It is only situational intimacy between me and that girl , we both are the victims of an online fraud .

  7. 绞刑架幽默的创作者或中心人物一般是上述情境下的受害者,而非施害者。

    Gallows humor is typically made by or about the victim of such a situation , but not the perpetrator of it .

  8. 如果你知道一些相关的风俗习惯、行为模式、书籍或诗歌,你就会更好地理解和记忆很多英语表达或英语会话情境。

    There are a lot of expressions or situations that can be understood and remembered better if you know a couple of customs , behavioral patterns , books or poems .

  9. 这种幽默被视为面临无望境地时表现出的诙谐,多产生于极端压力、痛苦或生命遇到威胁的情境,多数情况下死亡就近在眼前或者不可避免。

    Gallows humor has been described as a witticism2 in the face of – and in response to – a hopeless situation . It arises from stressful , traumatic , or life-threatening situations , often in circumstances such that death is perceived as impending3 and unavoidable .

  10. “情境性失眠”指的是生活中的短期因素导致的暂时性的失眠症,比如旅行途中(换了床睡觉),或者生活环境发生了改变(失去工作、离婚、至亲去世等等)。

    Situational insomnia1 refers to a temporary form of insomnia that occurs as a result of short-term factors present in a person 's life , ranging from travel ( sleeping in a strange bed ) to changed life circumstances ( e.g. , job loss , divorce , death of a loved one , etc. ) .

  11. 通过介绍建构主义学习理论在Java语言教学中的应用,说明了在教学情境的创设方面的具体方法和技巧。

    It deals with the application of constructivism in Java teaching as well as methods and techniques in creating teaching scenes .

  12. 学习的迁移(transferoflearning)是指一种情境中获的知识、技能或形成的态度对另一种情境中的技能、知识的获得或态度的形成的影响。

    Transfer of learning is an influence that the skill , knowledge or attitude shaped in one context have influence on skill , knowledge or attitude shaped in another context .

  13. 探究式阅读教学的策略是以探究式阅读教学的理论基J出和特征为指导,在特定的阅读教学情境中,为实现探究式阅读教学的目的而采取的系统决策活动。

    Based on the theory and the characteristics , the strategy of teaching is a series of measures to achieve its goal .

  14. GBS是典型的情境教学模式。

    GBS is a typical situation-teaching mode .

  15. 为此,必须建立一个Ba或者一种情境,它可以支持科学知识创新的发展和实践。

    For this purpose , it is required to establish a " Ba " or an environment or circumstance , which supports the development and practice of scientific knowledge creation .

  16. 量化范式中的研究方法主要有问卷法、VIPS法、PAM法、HR法、情境法和脑认知成像技术;

    The primary quantitative research methods are questionnaire method , VIPS method , PAM , HR technique , situational test and brain imaging of cognitive science ;

  17. 该研究旨在对老年人合法权益受侵此类特殊生活事件的应对意向(CI)和情境性应对(SC)进行比较分析。

    A comparative analysis was made on the coping intention ( CD and situational coping ( SC ) to the special life-events of being infringed on the legal rights in the elderly .

  18. 在教学过程中,将教学内容进行优化组合,用计算机多媒体进行链接,制成教学CAI课件。教学时,将相关的化学实验或化学史实展示给学生,创设教学情境,并由学生发现学习问题;

    In the process of teaching , we make CAI courseware by bettering contents and materials of study with the computer , and we make the students find out questions and resolve them at the same time .

  19. 相对而言,营销情境下B2C的服务关系研究中,顾客承诺的构成维度、驱动因素以及对顾客的品牌忠诚有什么影响作用还缺乏系统的研究。

    Compared to that , it is still lack of systematic research about the role and the effect of customer commitment on the service relationship of B2C in marketing situation .

  20. 走进情境问题教学(SPBI)从两则案例谈起

    Getting into Situated Problem Based Instruction ( SPBI ): Discussing from Two Cases

  21. 目的:通过难度递增式Sternberg双重任务作业诱导被试的情绪反应,考查不同难度测验中个体作业绩效与情绪稳定性和心率变异性(HRV)的关系,探讨情绪情境诱导方式。

    AIM : To explore the situation induced module of emotion by analyzing the relationship between the performance of Sternberg dual task , emotional stability and heart rate variability .

  22. 研究结果发现,新浪UC虚拟学习社区中学习情境的设计、学习领袖的引导、社区归属感的形成和完善的管理制度为虚拟学习社区的建设和发展提供了很好的参考价值。

    The results showed that design of learning environment , guide of study leaders , formation of a sense of community and improvement of management system are valuable for virtual learning communities , that provides a good reference .

  23. 本研究采用热执行功能中的延迟满足任务来研究ADHD的抑制缺陷,主要探讨ADHD在工作情境下的延迟满足能力。

    The study adopted the delay of gratification task of " hot " executive function to investigate the inhibition deficit of ADHD , and it mainly discussed the ability of delay of gratification for children with ADHD in working situation .

  24. Dorner作为该领域的先驱,将计算机模拟情境作为研究工具,后来的研究者从不同的角度进行复杂问题解决研究。

    Following the pioneering work of Dorner , more and more researchers apply computer-simulation as an experimental method to study CPS from different perspectives .

  25. 关于在课堂多媒体网络环境下的情境创设

    The Setting-up of Studying Scene in Class in the Multimedia Network

  26. 对外汉语语法、语用的情境教学

    The Application of Situation to Teaching Foreigners Chinese Grammar and Pragmatics

  27. 健美操情境教学模式实验研究

    The Experimental Research on the Situational Teaching Mode in Aerobics Courses

  28. 组织情境下管理者人格特质和工作绩效关系研究

    On Relationship between Managers'Personality Traits and Job Performance in Organization Situation

  29. 儿童在向社会情境中的道德情绪判断与归因

    Children 's Judgment and Attribution of Moral Emotion in Prosocial Contexts

  30. 该文重点介绍了单类说的发展进程,并对归类不确定情境中的特征推理进行了展望。

    The article will introduce the development of the single-category view .