
qíng bào
  • intelligence;information;gen
情报 [qíng bào]
  • (1) [information]∶关于某种情况的消息和报告,多带机密性质

  • 科技情报

  • (2) [intelligence]∶已获得的敌方军事、政治、经济、科学技术、地理等方面的情况

  • 搜集情报

情报[qíng bào]
  1. 西方情报机构被指责企图动摇该政府的统治。

    Western intelligence agencies are accused of trying to undermine the government .

  2. 他在和平时期担任海军情报官员。

    He served during peace-time as an intelligence officer in the Navy .

  3. 中央情报局的特工人员成功地渗入了恐怖分子组织。

    The CIA agents successfully infiltrated into the terrorist organizations .

  4. 把这一情报搞到手绝不是件轻而易举的事。

    Getting hold of this information was no easy task .

  5. 她可以称之为研究,可我称它为产业情报刺探。

    She may call it research ; I call it industrial espionage .

  6. 我们得到的情报是,警察不久就要逮捕人了。

    Our information is that the police will shortly make an arrest .

  7. 他们无法得到这个情报。

    Access to the information was denied to them .

  8. 他受不住酷刑被迫向他们供出了情报。

    He was tortured into giving them the information .

  9. 他们试图取得这个情报被拒。

    They were denied access to the information .

  10. 这一情报被归为绝密类别。

    This information has been classified top secret .

  11. 他向中央情报局汇报完任务执行情况后就去了里约热内卢。

    He went to Rio after the CIA had debriefed him .

  12. 至少有一个英国官员在向他提供机密情报。

    At least one British officer was feeding him with classified information .

  13. 她是从中央情报局借调给我们的。

    She 's on loan to us from the CIA .

  14. 他是波兰地下组织的情报员,被空降到华沙。

    He was a courier for the Polish underground and parachuted into Warsaw

  15. 国会通过了《国家安全法》,中央情报局由此而诞生。

    Congress passed the National Security Act , and the CIA was born

  16. 在第二次世界大战之前,女性不能当情报人员。

    Before World War II , women were not recruited as intelligence officers

  17. 我从来没有答应去当间谍刺探美国的情报。

    I never agreed to spy against the United States .

  18. 他们怀疑内维尔和福斯特先生交换了秘密情报。

    They suspected that Neville had traded secret information with Mr Foster .

  19. 22年前她初次进入情报部门。

    She first moved into the intelligence services 22 years ago

  20. 在中央情报局的穷追不舍下,他已偷偷溜出了美国。

    He 'd snuck out of America hotly pursued by the CIA .

  21. 情报机构策划了一项暗杀陆军部长的重大计划。

    The intelligence service conceived a grand design to assassinate the War Minister .

  22. 这些钱其实是中央情报局付给的工作报酬。

    The money was in fact payment by the CIA for services rendered .

  23. 美国中央情报局当然想保护其特工。

    Naturally the CIA wants to protect its operatives .

  24. 联合国观察员和西方情报机构之间密切合作。

    The UN inspectors work hand in glove with the Western intelligence agencies .

  25. 我们的情报部门人员缺乏训练,机构臃肿,简直毫无用处。

    Our Intelligence Service was untrained , cumbersome , and almost wholly ineffectual .

  26. 该间谍团伙向敌方传送秘密情报。

    The spy ring passed secrets to the enemy .

  27. 该国需要强大的情报机构来打击间谍活动和外国极端分子。

    The country needs a strong intelligence service to counter espionage and foreign extremists

  28. 苏联解体使西方情报机构丧失了主敌。

    The disintegration of the Soviet Union deprived western intelligence agencies of their main enemies

  29. 他们怀疑这是开罗情报人员玩的空城计。

    They suspected this was a double bluff on the part of Cairo Intelligence .

  30. 安全部门会不遗余力地套取情报。

    The security services will pretty well go to any lengths to winkle out information