
zhì zào
  • manufacture;design;make;produce;fabricate;create;engineer;made from;turn out
制造 [zhì zào]
  • (1) [manufacture;make]∶把原材料加工成适用的产品

  • 一天制造7000辆汽车

  • (2) (制侧重于操作制造,对象是一般器物;造侧重于从无到有,对象可以是较大的器物)

  • (3) [create]∶造成某种气氛或局面

  • 制造敌对气氛

制造[zhì zào]
  1. 他们用各种废料制造堆肥。

    They make compost out of all kinds of waste .

  2. 更为险恶的解释是,他准备再次在中东地区制造事端。

    The more sinister explanation is that he is about to make mischief in the Middle East again

  3. 他被指控在比赛结束后制造骚乱。

    He was charged with causing a disturbance after the game .

  4. 博物馆利用气味和烟雾发生器制造气氛。

    The museum uses smells and smoke generators to create atmosphere .

  5. 这些树是制造优质纸张的原料。

    These trees provide the raw material for high-quality paper .

  6. 建筑物的模型是用厚纸片制造的。

    The model of the building was made of card .

  7. 他被发现家里藏有制造炸弹的设备。

    He was caught with bomb-making equipment in his home .

  8. 建筑施工不断制造噪音、灰尘和干扰。

    The building work is creating constant noise , dust and disturbance .

  9. 在经济衰退期,制造业有很多人失业了。

    Many jobs in manufacturing were lost during the recession .

  10. 制造业受燃料短缺的影响最为严重。

    Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage .

  11. 如果不管用,就把它退还给制造厂家。

    If it doesn 't work , send it back to the maker .

  12. 重点已经从制造业向服务行业转移。

    There has been a shift of emphasis from manufacturing to service industries .

  13. 我们要求这台机器按我们自己的规格来制造。

    We want the machine manufactured to our own spec.

  14. 这台照相机完全是按价儿制造的。

    The camera is well specced at the price .

  15. 这些坦克车主要是用钢板制造的。

    The tanks were mainly constructed of steel plates .

  16. 这起谋杀案是几个人串通制造的。

    Several people had colluded in the murder .

  17. 他设法制造出一种彻头彻尾的假象,让人误以为公司一派兴旺。

    He had managed to create the entirely spurious impression that the company was thriving .

  18. 这些是在哪里制造的?

    Where were they made ?

  19. 这些螺丝钉是用公制尺码制造的。

    These screws are metric .

  20. 布莱尔希望将任何关于爱尔兰共和军制造的酒馆爆炸事件的新证据都公之于众。

    Blair wants any new evidence on IRA pub bombs made public

  21. 由于官方过于吝啬,仅制造了那一台机器。

    Due to official parsimony only the one machine was built .

  22. 解决了最初的一些问题之后,终于成功地制造出了大量丙酮。

    After some initial problems , acetone was successfully produced in quantity

  23. 有些材料可以制造成抗拉强度大的产品。

    Certain materials can be manufactured with a high tensile strength .

  24. 这架飞机的部件将在世界各地制造。

    Parts for the aircraft will be made all round the world

  25. 所有的船只都将在成本加利润的基础上制造。

    All vessels were to be built on a cost-plus basis .

  26. 实际上,它是用来将铀浓缩以制造武器。

    It was actually used for enriching uranium to weapons-grade levels .

  27. 在军工产品和民用产品的制造方面,他们都处于领先地位。

    They are the leading manufacturer in both defence and commercial products .

  28. 因为制造方面的延误,我们没能赶上最后期限。

    We were not able to meet the deadline because of manufacturing delays

  29. 飞机制造业仍旧举步维艰,发展速度之缓很让人头疼。

    Aircraft production continued to plod along at an agonizingly slow pace .

  30. 他用铜、不锈钢和银制造装饰性器皿。

    He makes decorative vessels in copper , stainless steel and silver .