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zhì dù
  • system;institution;order;style;dispensation;ism
制度 [zhì dù]
  • (1) [system;institution]∶要求成员共同遵守的规章或准则

  • 管理货币制度

  • (2) [order]∶一定历史条件下的政治、经济、文化等方面的体系

  • 以他们为首的腐朽制度的象征

  • (3) [style]∶式样;规格

  • 制度宏敞

制度[zhì dù]
  1. 支付现金红利制度可能被人钻空子。

    The system of paying cash bonuses is open to abuse .

  2. 他提的关于修改制度的建议被拒绝了。

    His proposal that the system should be changed was rejected .

  3. 他被视为现存制度的大敌。

    He was seen as a threat to the established order .

  4. 我们不得不迅速适应新制度。

    We have had to adapt quickly to the new system .

  5. 他感觉他们维护了民主制度。

    He felt that they had struck a blow for democracy .

  6. 新规章制度最终将对我们有利。

    Eventually , the new regulations will work to our advantage .

  7. 他们有责任确保制度的执行。

    They have responsibility for ensuring that the rules are enforced .

  8. 法国对奶农实行补贴贷款制度。

    France operates a system of subsidized loans to dairy farmers .

  9. 这个国家的经济制度实属匪夷所思。

    The country 's economic system is pure Alice in Wonderland .

  10. 有人要求对福利制度进行重大改革。

    There were calls for major changes to the welfare system .

  11. 这个制度早已过时而且不公平,需要改变。

    The system is archaic and unfair and needs changing .

  12. 这种制度的成功确定无疑。

    The success of the system is not in doubt .

  13. 她觉得受到他们那些琐碎的规章制度的束缚。

    She felt hemmed in by all their petty rules and regulations .

  14. 我们需要理顺新制度中的一些问题。

    We need to iron out the kinks in the new system .

  15. 选举制度是维持议会民主所必不可少的。

    Elections are essential for the sustenance of parliamentary democracy .

  16. 这个制度给很多人增加了额外的经济负担。

    This system imposes additional financial burdens on many people .

  17. 他们对男人休陪产假制度作出了重大改变。

    They have had a significant change in policy on paternity leave .

  18. 先前对这一制度不大明朗的反对演变成了坚决的抵制。

    Vague objections to the system solidified into firm opposition .

  19. 他们有责任确保制度的执行。

    It is their responsibility to ensure that the rules are enforced .

  20. 这些儿童充分体现了教育制度的缺陷。

    These children personify all that is wrong with the education system .

  21. 未来的政治制度必须同新思想结合。

    A politics of the future has to engage with new ideas .

  22. 这个制度已引进试行一个月。

    The system was introduced on a trial basis for one month .

  23. 警政制度规定,警察的番号必须醒目。

    Police regulations prescribe that an officer 's number must be clearly visible .

  24. 这种政治制度是对民主的否定。

    This political system was the negation of democracy .

  25. 这次调查承认司法制度有缺陷。

    The inquiry acknowledges failings in the judicial system .

  26. 他们正试图弄清现行制度的弊端所在。

    They are trying to identify what is wrong with the present system .

  27. 他们旨在减少人们对福利制度的依赖。

    Their aim is to reduce people 's dependency on the welfare state .

  28. 民主制度创始于古希腊吗?

    Did democracy have its beginnings in ancient Greece ?

  29. 腐败可削弱公众对政治制度的信心。

    Corruption corrodes public confidence in a political system .

  30. 本文热情赞扬了新制度将带来的好处。

    The article enthused about the benefits that the new system would bring .