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zhì xù
  • order;sequence
秩序 [zhì xù]
  • (1) [order]∶次序(秩侧重于有条理、不混乱;序侧重于有先后、不颠倒)

  • (2) [sequence]∶整齐而有条理的状况

  • 工作秩序

秩序[zhì xù]
  1. 有些教师觉得难以维持课堂秩序。

    Some teachers find it difficult to keep their classes in order .

  2. 他纯凭人格力量维护秩序。

    He maintained order by sheer force of personality .

  3. 他们居住在一个社会秩序混乱的城区。

    They live in a rough part of town .

  4. 警察正在努力恢复公共秩序。

    The police are trying to restore public order .

  5. 到目前为止,竞选活动都秩序良好。

    So far , the election campaign has been a very gentlemanly affair .

  6. 新的秩序似乎正在显现。

    A new order seems to be emerging .

  7. 暴乱过后秩序很快得到了恢复。

    Order was quickly restored after the riots .

  8. 观众令人出奇地守秩序。

    The audience was surprisingly well behaved .

  9. 去年11月,军队被派往这些岛屿以恢复秩序。

    Troops were sent to the islands to restore order last November

  10. 这些发展代表了现有秩序的重大转变。

    These developments represented a major change in the established order .

  11. 20分钟的时间里,议长一直在竭力维持秩序。

    For twenty minutes , the Speaker tried to keep order .

  12. 最近军队被调来重整秩序。

    The army has recently been brought in to restore order

  13. 和谐、平衡、秩序是法国人最看重的三项基本美德。

    Harmony , balance and order are cardinal virtues to the French .

  14. 经济秩序混乱不堪,是不可能建立民主的。

    It is impossible to establish democracy amid economic chaos .

  15. 这是一座美丽清洁、秩序井然的城市。

    It 's a beautiful , clean and orderly city

  16. 全体船员秩序井然地准备弃船。

    The officers and crew prepared to abandon ship in an orderly fashion .

  17. 在金融活动中心地区的罢工是为了扰乱经济秩序。

    The strike at the financial nerve centre was designed to dislocate the economy .

  18. 旧的社会秩序一去不复返了。

    The old social order was gone forever

  19. 军事统治者所做的只是为了恢复表面上的秩序。

    What the military rulers have done is to restore the outward appearance of order .

  20. 他放肆的举动扰乱了全班的秩序。

    His uncontrolled behavior disturbed the entire class

  21. 维持秩序和纪律的工作已交接给了校长和管理机构了。

    Order and discipline have been placed in the hands of headmasters and governing bodies .

  22. 出动了大批警察维持游行示威的秩序。

    The march was heavily policed .

  23. 他说政府会致力于恢复正常秩序,并在旁遮普省进行选举。

    He said that the government was committed to restore normalcy and hold elections in the Punjab

  24. 一连串的意外枪击事件凸显了恢复该地区的秩序有多困难。

    The rash of accidental shootings underscores how difficult it will be to restore order here .

  25. 我向你保证,我将动用一切必要力量来恢复秩序。

    And let me assure you I will use whatever force is necessary to restore order .

  26. 政府重申将采取一切必要措施维护法律和秩序。

    The government has reaffirmed that it will take any steps necessary to maintain law and order .

  27. 他认为在这些事态发展中包蕴着一种新的道德秩序的萌芽。

    He considered that there were , in these developments , the seeds of a new moral order .

  28. 冷战的结束带来了建立一个以国际合作为基础的世界新秩序的希望。

    The end of the Cold War has produced the prospect of a new world order based on international co-operation

  29. 秩序、安全、家庭、宗教和国家这些概念对于他们和迈克尔来说有着同样特殊的意义。

    The ideas of order , security , family , religion and country had the same resonance for them as for Michael .

  30. 警察在街上维持秩序。

    Policemen preserve [ maintain ] order in the streets .